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Strumming her clit while seizing her breath drives her fucking crazy. Look how perfect she is. One. Her body was created to be dominated—to be breathless—free on the edge of euphoria and beyond it. Two. She was always meant for this—for pleasure—for me. Three.

A few more strokes has her entire body seizing in pleasure. Four. Knowing she’ll want air, I grip her throat tight enough that nothing will go in or out. Five. She’s so lost in the pleasure that she chooses an orgasm over air. Six. And the orgasm she chose doesn’t disappoint her. It goes on and on and on. Seven. When she seems seconds from passing out, I release her neck and come down to kiss her again. She’s unmoving but still conscious as I kiss her. Her tongue swipes along mine, showing she’s still here with me and enjoying this, which causes my nuts to tighten. I come with a pleased groan, flexing my ass muscles as I grind as deep into her tight body as I can get.

Resting against her slick body, I nuzzle my nose to her ear. “Now that was amazing.”

Her fingernails run down my ribs and I shiver. The touch is so intimate that I almost shy away from it. I should have known Natasha would be different from everyone else. Because right now, I want to carry her off to my bed and sleep with her. Like turn the lights off and fucking cuddle.

I’m Ren fucking Hayes.

I don’t cuddle.

I choke and suck and fuck.

But one yawn from Nat and it’s clear to me.

Tonight, I’m going to cuddle, goddammit.


I wake shrouded in darkness. A warm arm draped over my naked body keeps me pinned to the soft mattress I’m lying on. It offers comfort in an odd way, for reasons I don’t want to dissect right now. I vaguely remember moving to Ren’s bedroom at some point in the night, but wasn’t planning on staying over. My hand snakes up to touch my bruised neck. I never dreamed I’d enjoy such violent beauty in the bedroom. Not that I’m all that experienced in the bedroom department. I’ve had a couple of boyfriends, and the only boundaries they pushed was a finger in the butt.

Ren brought more orgasms out of my body in this one night than my previous boyfriends have in our entire relationships combined.

And his piercing?

My mind is blown. Who knew a thick rod of metal with balls on each end could hit unimaginable places within you? When I asked to take a closer peek at it, he was all too accommodating. It ended with his dick in my mouth, and honestly, I was thrilled to give back a little torturous pleasure. Knowing I can make him groan and curse with just my tongue is empowering.

Peeling Ren’s arm from me, I slip out of the bed and tiptoe out of the bedroom and into the living room. Searching the space, I quietly gather up my discarded clothes. My cheeks heat when I scoop up my panties from the bottom of the couch. An echo of sensation hums through my body as memories flood my mind.

Damn you, Ren Hayes.

Skimming my panties up my legs, I startle when a deep groan sounds from the doorway. I must have woken him because Ren stands there watching me. His silhouette is outlined in the hue of the moonlight creeping in through the window bare of curtains.

“You’re quite the sight bent over like that, Nat,” he croons.

Warmth floods my pussy, the crimson glow still burning in my cheeks igniting further.

“What are you doing?” he asks, devouring me with just his eyes.

“Getting dressed,” I answer, slipping my panties into place. My tone is laced in arousal, even to my own ears. What’s he doing to me? Awakening you.

“Why?” He leans against the frame completely naked. His eyes are surveying every inch of me on display for him. Just like I drink in every solid plane of his physique on display for me. Finishing at his hard cock saluting me from across the room.

Saliva floods my mouth, and I have to swallow to be able to speak. “I should go,” I say, but it has no conviction.

“Why?” He smirks, prowling toward me, making my breath hitch. “I’m not done with you yet,” he adds with a dark tone.

All thoughts of leaving vanish.

He moves so fast I don’t have time to flee his advance. Not that I want to. His shoulder connects with my midriff as he leans down to toss me over his shoulder and marches us back to his bedroom.

I land on the bed with a gentle thud, the air whooshing around me making my nipples peak. His soft footfalls sound through the room and then light floods the space.

“I want to see every part of you,” he announces as I track his movements around the bed. I didn’t see anything when he brought me in here earlier tonight because it was pitch-black, but now I see everything in the glow of the unforgiving light. There’s no hiding from him.

Tags: Ker Dukey, K. Webster Kkinky Reads Collection Romance