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I grit my teeth. “If they have a problem with it, I’ll pay for it out of my own pocket. I’m starting it today.”

He wants to argue with me, and I don’t blame him. He’s been the boss here since I left, and he’s let me come in after four years away and be his partner. I’m probably pushing it, but I have to at least try and talk to Sierra today. If I go over there to apologize, she’s going to run me off. But if I’m working on something that the city ordered to be done, she’ll have no choice but to deal with me, and hopefully I can explain.

“Fine.” Sam sighs, moving out of my way. “Just don’t upset her. She’s a good woman, Evan.”

I nod but can’t look him in the eye. I’ve already fucked it up and upset her earlier, but I’m going to make it right. I grab my equipment and head back across the street and into the library.

She’s sitting behind the desk this time, and I walk straight up to her. She pops up when she sees me, and it’s obvious she’s already looking around, wondering how she can get away from me. “Hey, Sierra.”

She fidgets her hands in front of her but juts her chin at me. “Hello, Evan. Is there something I can help you with?”

I hold up my notebook, as if I have the contract in it when I don’t. “Yeah, the city made an order for us to update the security equipment.”

She breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh, okay. Well, I’ll let you get to it then.”

She’s walking to the edge of her desk, and she’s going to escape, I know she is, but I’m quicker than her. It’s the quickest I’ve moved in a while. Since I started having vertigo I’ve had to really slow down my movements and be more intentional. But I’m not letting her escape.

She almost slams into my chest, and I drop the notebook so I can grab on to her shoulders to catch her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She nods but won’t look up at me, and that’s not going to do. I need her big brown eyes on me when I try to explain. “Sierra, look at me.” I put a finger to her chin and tip it up.

Her eyes widen, and she looks frightened. I smile, doing my best to put her at ease. “We need to talk.”

She blinks and continues to stare at me. At this point, I’m not going to ask for more. “I owe you an apology for what I said earlier and for not remembering you when I first saw you.”

She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine, really. I’m pretty forgettable.” She winces, and because I don’t want to let her go, I put my hand on the side of her neck and rest it there. My thumb strokes right over her pulse, and it’s practically vibrating under my touch.

“First of all, you’re definitely not forgettable. I was a stupid kid... a dumb jock.”

“You were not, you were smart.”

I smile because even though she has every right to be mad at me right now and say some shit, she’s still defending me. Maybe I haven’t totally screwed up my chances. I take a deep breath. “No, if I was smart, I would have skipped the parties and instead I would have been hanging out with you.”

She’s shaking her head. No doubt nothing I’m saying to her makes sense.

“Thank you for sending me the care packages.”

Shock registers on her face, and she pulls out of my grasp. “You’re welcome. I just wanted you to know that we were thinking of you. I’m glad you’re home and safe.” Still she looks as if she’s been caught. “I mean, I would have done it for anyone.”

I nod, but we both know the truth. I decide right then that I can’t just let this go. “Go out with me?”

She’s already shaking her head. “No, that’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?”

She picks up books off the table and holds them to her chest. Her long black hair is in waves across her shoulders, and the way she’s holding herself it’s like she’s trying to hide her face from me. “Because you feel bad for this morning. That’s the only reason you’re asking me out. I’ve forgiven you. It’s done. Thank you, but no thank you.” And this time I know the only way to stop her from leaving where I’m at is to physically stop her, and already I know I’ve lost some of her trust, so I’m not going to do that. I step to the side and watch her walk off.

Her pants are tight against her shapely curved ass, and I don’t want to look away. How in the world did I ignore this woman in high school? How did I find interest in anyone else when she was right under my nose?

Tags: Hope Ford Whiskey Run Romance