Page 39 of Rush

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As crazy as he makes me and as frighteningly off-limits he is, I might already be a little bit in love with Rush. My eyes see a walking bouquet of red flags, but my heart sees the man who confronted the bastard who hurt me.

She’s a dumb bitch, my heart.

“I will?”

I won’t.

I can’t.

“I know who I want to take the role of the Priestess.”

I straighten up in excitement. “Really? Who?”

“You’re not going to like it, but I’ve made up my mind.”

“I like all the choices we’ve talked about. You’re the one who’s had a problem with them.”

“We haven’t talked about this one, actually. She’s perfect for the role. We both love how she dances. She’s talented, she understands the part, and best of all, we already have great chemistry.”

My stomach convulses with jealousy. Who’s he got great chemistry with? I’ll drive knives into my eyes if I have to watch him flirt with some gorgeous dancer for the next two weeks.


He sets his tea down and braces his hands on the counter, on either side of my body, and leans in close. “You.”



Dree’s beautiful eyes open wide. She inhales sharply. Then she speaks.


“Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten the very first conversation we had? How am I supposed to keep my name out of this if my face is in the video!”

She braces both her hands against my chest and pushes me back. I slide my arm around her waist and take her with me, just how she taught me. Lift. Hold.


“I’m asking you to change your mind.”

“Did you plan this all along? Were you letting me audition all those dancers, knowing that you were going to refuse them?”

She’s sexy when she’s angry, all flashing eyes and small, set teeth. I wish she’d be mad at me while I’m fucking her instead. That would be more fun.

“Of course not. I paid attention during those auditions, but not one of them danced like you do. I want the best, Dree.”

I was lying awake at three this morning and the idea came to me while I was thinking about the video. About Dree. The way she moves in my arms. The thought of holding some other woman the way I hold her just felt wrong.

Dree pulls herself out of my arms and walks into the living room, stopping in the middle of the floor.

I go over and stand in front of her. “Baby, I hoped you would think about it at least.”

“Don’t call me baby. We’re working.”

“It’s Saturday.” I give her my most winning smile, and her eyes narrow. Oh, yeah. She thinks I get everything I want by turning on the charm. Well, I do. Most of the time.

Some things I’ve never asked for. The closer I get to Dree, the more I can feel myself wanting to say them.

“I know you’re scared of what people will say about you online, but the things you were accused of are bullshit. Striker’s bullshit. It’s common knowledge among industry people that he treats everyone who works for him like crap and you can’t believe a word he says.”

I wish I could have stopped her from working with him. I hate that he saw her first and left his indelible, shitty mark on her. I can feel his presence in the room, smirking at me, telling me he’s won.

I refuse to let him fucking win.

“Industry people aren’t the ones who sent me a thousand hate messages when Striker fired me. His fans can be crazy.”

“Then we’ll head them off. We’ll release a statement before the video. I’ll say you’re the most professional choreographer and dancer the band has ever worked with. It’s the truth. I’ve been wanting to speak out about every shitty thing that dickhead said about you in the press.”

I can’t imagine dancing that intimate choreography with anyone but her. We’ll look perfect together. We are perfect together.

Dree still looks uncertain. I take her chin and tilt it up to mine. “Please. I want it to be you.”

“You can’t always get what you want, Mr. Rockstar.”

I dip my head down to hers. Her mouth so close to mine that I can just about taste her lip gloss. “Then I need it to be you.”

“Stop that,” she whispers, reaching up to push me away. Her hands land on my chest, but instead of pushing, she strokes my chest at the V of my shirt.

I angle my head the other way, almost kissing her again. “Stop what?”

Her lashes flicker and she breathes in roughly. A flush spreads over her cheeks. “You know what. This is a work conversation.”

She’s not thinking about work anymore than I am. I’m usually so good at keeping personal things away from band things, but with Dree, I want it all to be a glorious hot mess. Like I imagine her pussy is right now. I’m dying to find out.

Tags: Brianna Hale Erotic