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Samantha shrugged. “Or you could say that?”

I laughed and blew out the sage. “Only good vibes here. Only good vibes here. Only good vibes here.” I glanced up at Samantha.

“Not as poetic, but it’ll do.” She sat next to me and patted the floor on the other side. “Come on, Claudia. It’ll be fine. You’re going to be easier. The tie he has to you looks more distant or maybe superficial? So, you first. And hopefully since you’re linked to your brother, I can try to tweak him.”

Claudia gave one last look toward Lucas and then sat. “What should I do?”

“Nothing. Just sit there. Guys? Light the candles.”

Dastien sat directly in front of me outside of the circle. I wanted to reach out and hold his hand but knew I shouldn’t.

Samantha lit another match and dropped it in the cast iron bowl. “If you’re done, I’ll take the sage.” Claudia and I both handed her our bunches, and she added them to the burning bowl. “No such thing as overkill. Right?”

“I’m with you,” Chris said. “Let’s not pussyfoot around. I think I can speak for both Adrian and me that we’re done with demons. We’ve been fighting them nonstop for weeks and we want this over with.”

“I’ll do my best,” Samantha said. “But you’re mixed in some seriously bad stuff.”

“We know.” Lucas rubbed the match between his fingers. Light flared as he pressed the flame to the candle and then passed it to Adrian. “Please tell us if you want us to do anything else.”

Samantha shook her head. “You’re here for moral support. But not so much yammering along your bond, please. It’s distracting and painful.”

“Understood,” Lucas said.

“Okay, cousin. You first,” Samantha said.

“What do I do?” Claudia was clasping the crystals so tight that her hands were turning white.

“Nothing. It’ll either work or it won’t.” She got up on her knees and faced Claudia. “This might hurt. You’ve got a lot of ties and I gotta make sure I’m grabbing the right one.” She held her hands in front of Claudia and started picking and poking at invisible things.

Lucas growled and Samantha straightened as she pulled away. “Whoops. Sorry.”

I sent Dastien a look. I didn’t want to use our bond and distract her, but he gave me a nod. This was going to be okay. It had to be.

I knew I was getting my hopes up, but I couldn’t help it. We needed this to work in a big way.

Samantha grunted as she swirled her hand in the air, and Claudia gasped. When I focused, I could see the bonds between the werewolves. Dastien had thought that unusual, but it seemed like Samantha could see exactly what I could. Claudia didn’t have as many ties to her. She was only loosely attached to the Peruvian pack because of her tie to Lucas. But I could see the thick, bright line that tied Claudia to her mate.

Samantha pulled on it and Lucas growled again. “Sorry. The tie ends somewhere behind it. I’m having trouble…” A bead of sweat rolled down Samantha’s brow. “Hang on.” Claudia gasped, and for a second, I thought Samantha’s hand disappeared into Claudia’s chest.

I blinked, trying to figure out where Samantha’s hand had gone, but in that split second, Claudia gasped again. This time she fell flat on her back.

She laid there, heaving in giant gulps of air. I didn’t want to mess with anything, but my cousin was thoroughly freaking me out. “Are you okay?”

Claudia started laughing.

“Dude. Are you okay?” Chris asked. He was on his knees, ready to jump into the circle.

“Everything is fine.” Claudia jumped at Samantha, hugging her tightly. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

“No problem.” She pulled away and gave Claudia an awkward pat on the back. “Raphael should come see me. He’s too far away for me to do much for him. Your twin link is weaker these days.”

Claudia nodded. “I’ll have him come as soon as he can. Thank you. I really… I’m so sorry for everything that happened, and I appreciate you helping me more than I can say.”

“My pleasure. Glad it worked.”

I looked between them. “It really worked?”

Samantha wiped the sweat off of her forehead, and then started digging in her bag again. “Yup. She’s good to go.” She pulled out a big water bottle and started chugging.

Tags: Aileen Erin Alpha Girl Paranormal