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One of my claws broke, and I screamed.

Don’t let go! Not until I say three.


We’re moving fast!

“You’re not getting away. I own you.” The words slid down my spine like ice.

“Never!” Maybe it thought it owned me. But no one did. No one but me.



Three! Now, chérie. Let go!

But I couldn’t make my fingers move.

Let go! I promise. You’ll be okay.

If anyone else had said those words, I would’ve told them to fuck off, but I trusted Dastien with every fiber of my being. He wouldn’t tell me to let go if he didn’t know for certain that I’d survive.

I closed my eyes and let go of the table.

“Shit!” I screamed as I fell through the air toward the demon.

And then I slammed into him.

I thought that would be it. That hitting him would somehow shatter his hold, but that didn’t happen.

He wrapped his hands around my neck, squeezing. I choked as I clawed at his hands, trying to break his hold. This close up he couldn’t hide what he was. His red eyes flickered like fire and heat radiated off him. His fingers were rough, scaly, and impossibly strong. No matter how hard I pulled, I couldn’t get them to budge.

He squeezed harder and I gasped for air.

I kicked my feet into his stomach as hard and as fast as I could, but he didn’t even flinch.

Calm, chérie. Claudia said you had to be touching him. Now tell him to let you go.

I already tried that.

Do it again. Do it now!

Dastien shoved more power into me until I was swimming in it. I looked straight into the demon’s fire-filled gaze. “Leeett. Meeee. Go.” The words were soft and raspy, but slowly I squeaked them out.

Power and magic mixed. Everything turned to darker than night.

But no hands tightened around my neck. No more spinning. No more falling. No more evil magic.

I was frozen.

“Breathe for me. Come on, chérie. Take a breath.” Something brushed my face. “I can hear your heart beating. I know you’re there.”

I gasped, and my eyes flew open.

“Shit.” Dastien pressed his forehead against mine.

I licked my lips and tasted blood. “What the hell just happened and why is your blood on my face?”

Tags: Aileen Erin Alpha Girl Paranormal