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Her eyes were solid red orbs. Her two front teeth had lengthened into fangs.

My arms lowered as I gasped in shock. What the hell had she become?

She laughed, and it was the deep, rasping laugh of a demon.

It was true. She might have started out as a witch who wanted power, but she was fully demon now.

I threw the vials just as Luciana started moving her fingers.

Her spell hit me, knocking me to the floor. Three rat-sized demons scuttled toward me, and I couldn’t stop myself from screeching. I kicked them away before they could bite.

I kipped up, and she was there. Standing in front of me. Spit dripped from her fangs. “You’re mine now, Teressssa.”

That voice. It wasn’t her. My eyes widened as my breathing sped. I had to move.

She weaved her fingers in a fast spell, and I flew across the floor. My head crunched against a pew, and blood dribbled down my forehead.

I sat up, and the world wobbled. I tried to shake off the dizziness, but I didn’t have time. Luciana was already running for me.

I had one more vial. I quickly muttered the words and threw.

Her shoulder jerked, but she was still coming for me. The vial hadn’t doing anything to her. It didn’t even burn her skin.

I reached in the bag again, and my fingers brushed the canvas.

I had no more spells. No weapons.

Dastien howled and I felt his fear for me, but there was nothing he could do. Nothing any of them could do. They were busy fighting for their lives, too.

Fear made my blood run cold as Luciana cackled and lunged at my leg. I tried to roll away, but her nails dug through my tender muscle.

I screamed.

“Your magic will be mine.”

“No!” I was stronger than this. I kicked at her face, but she only jerked back an inch.

Holy shit. The demon in her was too strong.

I sat up in one quick motion, and jerked her nails out of my leg. My whole calf went numb, but I threw her off. She hit a pew a few feet from me, and lay still for a second.

She craned her neck at an impossible angle. I looked into her eyes and in the blood red orbs, I saw myself burning in a pool of flames. I blinked and her eyes were plain red again.

My mouth went dry. The demon was trying to scare me, and was doing a damned good job of it.

I got up, hobbling as I dragged my injured leg. What the hell was I going to do? I was out of potions—but they were useless anyway. I’d kicked her hard enough to break her neck, and she just fucking shook it off like it was nothing.

I heard her laugh, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

The pew behind me slammed into my legs, and Luciana cackled again.

I glanced back. She was maybe ten feet, staying just far enough behind me to taunt me.

I moved faster. I needed cover. I had to figure something out before she got tired of chasing me and ended this.

“You’re a wolf!” Cosette’s voice cried out. “Be a wolf and end it before we all get killed.”

She was right.

Tags: Aileen Erin Alpha Girl Paranormal