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She took in all the small touches of being on a date with Walker. The way he ushered her in front of him down the stairs and held open the front door and offered his arm for her hand as they walked down the sidewalk.

“Hey!” a shrill voice called, ruining the moment of chivalry. “I guess there’s a fox living in this damn henhouse.”

“Evening, Miss Rayleen,” Walker said as he turned them toward her.

“Are you eating my little chickens, Walker?” the old woman called from the porch of the saloon. When Walker frowned, she broke into a howl of laughter that made Charlie giggle.

He shot her a look of censure.

“I’m sorry! What am I supposed to say? I think you’ve still got feathers in your beard.”

“Good Lord,” he muttered as Rayleen made her way down the stairs and hurried over.

“I’ll be damned,” Rayleen muttered, her eyes sweeping down to Charlie’s hand on his arm. “You two really are doing it, aren’t you?”

“We’re going out,” clarified Walker.

“Oh, I see.” She took the unlit cigarette from her mouth and tucked it behind her ear. “It’s all sunshine and innocence, huh? Walker’s going a-courtin’?”

“Something like that. You know I’m a nice boy, Miss Rayleen.”

“Nice, indeed. Is he as nice as I’ve heard?” she asked Charlie.

Charlie grinned. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

“No? Do you screw and tell? Because I’d like to hear all the details about this big boy.”

Charlie was glad for the support of Walker’s arm at that moment, because she would’ve fallen over laughing if she hadn’t been holding on. Especially when Walker choked out Rayleen’s name on a horrified gasp.

Charlie shook her head. “Walker is—”

“Don’t tell her about it!” he interrupted.

“I wasn’t going to!”

Rayleen hooted. “I knew it! You two are doing the deed. You’ve got good taste, Charlie. A girl after my own heart. Pick the biggest stallion in the barn and break him in.”

“I...” She didn’t know what to say to that. “Okay.”

Rayleen smiled and slipped the cigarette back into the corner of her mouth. “Well...” The cigarette bobbed. “I guess I’ve got my gossip for the day. You kids have fun. And keep it wrapped up, stud.”

Walker just stared, openmouthed, as Rayleen walked back to the saloon.

“Try to get a cock shot, Charlie!” the old woman called over her shoulder.


Walker’s head whipped around to offer Charlie the same horrified look.

“I’m sorry!” she cried. “I didn’t know what to say!”

“You don’t say okay!”

“Hey, you’re the one who confirmed we were sleeping together. Sheesh. What about my reputation, Walker?”

“Oh, shit.” His shocked expression snapped immediately to concern. “I’m so sorry. I don’t really think she’ll—”

“Walker. I’m just kidding. I don’t care about my reputation, and if anyone else does, they can kiss my ass.”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Jackson Hole Romance