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“No sex,” he said, more than willing to embrace the heavy petting. “We’ll only do what you want. I promise.”

Her glare finally gave way to a grin. “I can trust you not to take advantage of me?”


Her giggle was unfortunately interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Walker,” Charlie said as she reached for a scarlet-red blouse draped over the back of the couch. “You’re adorable, you know that?”

He scrubbed a hand through his hair as he watched her slip away.

Starting to button up her shirt, Charlie looked through the peephole, then threw open the door. “Merry! Hi!”

Their neighbor’s eyes went wide at the sight of Charlie’s half-buttoned shirt. They went even wider when she spotted Walker on the couch. “Walker! Hi!”

He jumped to his feet as Charlie waved her in. “Evening, Merry.” He reached up to tip a hat he wasn’t wearing, then winced at the awkward gesture.

“I’m sorry,” Merry said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

When Charlie shrugged, Merry used the plastic container in her hand to point toward the open buttons of Charlie’s shirt.

“Oh! Sorry. I was eating my salad.”

Merry’s eyes met his and then skittered away. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means. But I’ll leave you two alone so you can get back to...that.”

“No, I was eating a salad!” Charlie pointed toward the box on the table.

Merry seemed to wilt. “Oh, thank God. I thought it meant... Never mind. Just... Here! I made you cupcakes! Welcome to the building.”

Walker was still boggling over what strange activities Merry thought she might have interrupted, but Charlie just took the cupcakes and gave Merry a hug. “Thank you! Have one with me. Walker, you want a cupcake?” She turned toward him, then burst into laughter. “Look! You made Walker blush.”

“I... Uh.” Why was he flustered? They hadn’t been— Well, he’d been hoping they might. But it wasn’t as if Merry had knocked just as Charlie’s hand had curved around his cock and slipped right into that sweet rhythm that— Okay, he was making it worse now. He cleared his throat and pasted on a smile. “I’ll leave you ladies to your cupcakes.”

“Come on, Walker.” Charlie reappeared with a little plate that held three cupcakes. She handed one to him. “I know how you are. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t like to eat Merry’s cake.”

Merry choked and slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream of laughter.

Walker felt his face get even hotter. “Charlie! Jesus.”

She shrugged an insolent shoulder and handed a cake to Merry. “You talk a good game, cowboy. I thought you could take it. I guess not.”

“I don’t talk any game,” he muttered.

“Oh, please. You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met. Even in high school, you could get any girl to giggle with just a naughty suggestion.”

Merry spoke from behind her hand. “You knew Walker in high school?”

“I sure did. Sit down. I’ve got stories.”

Somehow his comfortable evening on Charlie’s couch with her hand and her bra and her thighs and her mouth had turned into this. Two tall, beautiful women eating cake and laughing at him. What the ever-loving hell?

“You want another beer, Walker?”

“No. I’m going to excuse myself and get some sleep.”

“Aw, come on,” Charlie cooed. “It’s only eight. Stay. Please?”

He was tempted for a moment. He liked Merry just fine, and Charlie was licking frosting from her fingers and watching him with pleading eyes. But then she licked her thumb, and he knew he couldn’t take it. She loved to tease him, and she wouldn’t let up. His cock was stirring again already, and as much of a flirt as he was, he wasn’t going to sit here in front of Merry with an erection for the next hour, like some pervert.

Tags: Victoria Dahl Jackson Hole Romance