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Despite all that, she still seemed to like him. And he’d never have to do homework in front of her again.

Charlie pressed a beer into his hand.

He tried to give it back. “I’m not drinking your beer.”

“I’ve got a whole pitcher. I’m a big girl, but I can’t drink that much on my own.”

“I suppose. You are tall, but not as tall as you used to be.”

“That’s because you kept getting bigger and bigger. I like that. Have you ever stopped growing, Walker?”

This time, when she pressed the beer into his hand, he took it. And downed it in two gulps. He could handle this. He could. It was just good-hearted fun, like flirting with any other woman.

“Come on.” She took his hand and tugged him toward the corner of the bar. “Rayleen’s having trouble getting a clear view of your ass and she’s giving me the evil eye.”

Sure enough, when he turned around, Rayleen gave him an irritated wave, urging him closer.

“Hey, Rayleen,” he said when he got within earshot. And eyeshot.

“Hey, nothing. Ain’t that your dirty little piece over there?”

“What?” He looked down for a moment, then over at Charlie, but she shrugged.

“No, there,” Rayleen said, pointing toward the pool table area.

When Walker’s eyes focused on the far side of the saloon, he was hit with a rush of alarm. Several waves of panic fell on him at once, flooding his body with adrenaline.

First, that Nicole was here. Second, that she was glaring at him. And third, that someone who shouldn’t know anything about her knew more than enough.

He spun back to stare wide-eyed at Rayleen, but the old woman just shrugged. “A dog shouldn’t shit where it sleeps,” she offered. Nice imagery, but not exactly helpful.

Charlie’s head turned from Rayleen to him and he winced.

“Romantic troubles?” she asked.

No. Not romantic. “Fuck,” he cursed, inadvertently correcting Charlie’s words as he scrubbed a hand over his beard.

Charlie rolled her eyes. “Oh, is that all?”

When she laughed, he shot her a pained smile. She wasn’t offended. But she would be if she found out the details. “Pardon me,” he said, hesitating for only one second before he turned away.

For a moment, he was disoriented, looking for Nicole and not finding her. Maybe she’d gone. His gaze dropped. Or maybe she was standing right in front of him, her arms crossed over her admittedly nice chest.

He cleared his throat and slid his eyes toward the door. “What are you doing here?”

“Having a drink,” she snapped, tossing her straight blond hair with a twitch of her head.

“Right.” He stepped forward, edging her away from Charlie and the rest of his friends. “But there’s plenty to drink at the ranch.”

“But no good company these days.”

“Slow season,” he said.

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Her eyes shifted. “Who’s that?” she bit out, tipping her chin toward the bar. He didn’t have to ask who she meant. “Your new bed warmer?”

“Nicole.” He sighed. “I don’t want to argue about that. You’re married.”

“Right. That didn’t stop you from kissing or touching but now it’s your excuse for ignoring me?”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Jackson Hole Romance