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“Please. Yes.” She sat in mortified tension through the first ten minutes of the show, clutching her beer like a lifeline that was her last link to dignity. Silly, of course. There was no chance she had any dignity left, but at least the rush of new alcohol let her hold on to the fantasy.

She relaxed a little as the magic of the show pulled her in and she forgot to be hyperaware of Shane sitting two feet away. The show was too damn good to ignore. She laughed out loud at a joke, and glanced over to find Shane smiling at her. Something deep inside her belly tightened with wistful yearning.

“This is good,” he said.

It was good. It was nice having him as a friend, her physical attraction aside. If she could just learn to relax around him, it would be even better.

“A space Western,” he said, turning back to the TV.

She smiled at his profile and pretended that she wasn’t wishing she could snuggle up to his neck. “Pretty cool, huh?”

“Pretty damn cool,” he agreed.

By the time the pizza came, she felt almost normal again. She took off her shoes and curled her bare feet beneath her and tried to pretend she was with Grace. “Did you make this table?”

“No, a friend made that for me. But the bookshelf is mine.”

“They’re both beautiful.”


“Is it strange to be a carpenter living in an apartment? Do you secretly build cabinets in the middle of the night?”

He laughed. “You think I have an untamable need to renovate?”

“I know you do,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “How do you handle it? Custom closet shelves? Refinishing the wood floor?”

“If I tell you, I’d have to kill you.”

“Or you could just buy my silence with some furniture. In case you hadn’t noticed, our place is a little spare.”

He shot her a hooded look. “There might be something I can do for you.”

This time, Merry didn’t give in to the embarrassment that wanted to rise up. She didn’t blush at the brush of his eyes down her body. He was teasing her, so she stretched out a leg and kicked his hip with her toes. “Shut up.”

“I’m serious.” His hand closed over her ankle when she tried to pull her foot back. Merry would’ve been a trembling mess at this point if she hadn’t finished her beer. But instead of holding her breath and noting every nerve he touched with his callused fingers, Merry poked his leg with her toes again. He playfully tugged her ankle before letting her go.

“Come on. I’ll show you.”

He got up and walked toward the bedroom, and she followed him. “Are you luring me to your room?”

“Sure. I’m not the one who promised no molesting.”

If he could laugh about it, maybe she hadn’t freaked him out so badly after all.

When he stepped into the bedroom and out of the doorway, Merry gasped. “Oh, my God, Shane! Did you make that?”

A tall headboard of solid wood rose high above the bed. The warm stain showed off the scene that had been carved in relief into the arch of wood.

“It’s a little clumsy,” he said, tipping his chin toward the scene of mountains and trees.

“Are you kidding me? It’s amazing, Shane! Look at it!”

A big grin spread over his face. “I see it every morning.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “Ma’am.”

She couldn’t help but giggle at his exaggerated flirtation. “Seriously, Shane. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Now that is just blatant ego stroking.”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Jackson Hole Romance