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“Nah, I’m saving up for a new board. You go on.”

Crap. She edged around the bar to put away the cleaning supplies, but Rayleen stopped her. “So he wore you out, huh?”

Jenny froze. How the hell had Rayleen found out about that? Jackson was a small town, but it wasn’t that small. Had Nate told people? She tried shaking her head, but Rayleen just snorted.

“Don’t bother denying it. I saw that boy follow you home last night.”

Oh, thank God. She had it all wrong.

“Though why you sent that stud home and took up with Rapunzel, I have no idea. Are you playing them against each other in hopes of Valentine’s Day gifts?”

“Valentine’s Day?” God, she’d forgotten about that. But she’d be working, thankfully. Valentine’s Day in a saloon was just like any other night, with maybe a few more desperate hookups. At least she wouldn’t have to look at any happy couples.

“Well?” Rayleen snapped.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I did not sleep with Ellis last night.”

“Like I said, you don’t look like you got much sleep.”

“I slept fine. And alone.”

“Yeah? Then why’s your neck all raw on one side?”

When Jenny slapped a hand to her neck with a guilty gasp, Rayleen cackled.

“Good Lord, girl, your face is as red as a baboon’s ass!”

“Good old Aunt Rayleen!” a new voice said. “Always the most charming woman at the table.”

Jenny spun to flash a grimace of a smile at her friend Grace. “Hey. When did you get here?”

“A few seconds before my sweet old auntie accused you of getting laid. And having a baboon ass for a face. I’m hoping the two are unrelated. Just how kinky did it get?”

Jenny’s face was so hot she was tempted to stick her head in the ice maker. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

Grace smiled. “No?”


“She’s lying,” Rayleen said.

Grace’s smile widened to a grin. “I know.”

“And her ex-husband is in town.”

Jenny groaned at the way Grace’s eyes widened. When she opened her mouth, Jenny held up a hand. “Yes, I have an ex-husband. No, I did not sleep with him last night. Or do anything else!”

“You did something,” Grace insisted. “You look like a girl caught with her fingers in the pot. Or the cookie jar. Or whatever kind of container you’d find penises in.”

Rayleen howled and pounded her table hard enough to make her deck of cards jump. “I always find them in pockets!”

“Oh, good God,” Jenny muttered. She grabbed Grace by the arm and pulled her closer. “The bathroom. Now.”

“Ooo,” Grace cooed mockingly. “So forceful.”

“Yeah, I heard you like that.”

“Ha! Look at Jenny getting her claws out. I think I like you this way, you nasty little thing.”

Tags: Victoria Dahl Jackson Hole Romance