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He shrugged modestly. “I wanted to say well done, again. I know I mentioned it earlier, but I’ve been so impressed by your achievements. Luke’s, too.”

“Thanks for trusting me with the project. I appreciate it and I’m glad that I didn’t let you down.” I gave the room another cursory glance. “Speaking of Luke, have you seen him?”

His brow furrowed. “Come to think of it, I haven’t, no. I’m sure he’ll turn up soon.”

I nodded, my attention caught by my best friend, who was approaching us, trying to juggle a bottle of Prosecco and two full glasses without spilling them. Ethan followed my gaze and immediately stepped forward to relieve Avery of her burden.

“Aves! You little stunner,” I exclaimed, taking in her tight red dress and smoky eye makeup.

“You’re the stunner. My dress looks way better on you than it ever did on me. Bitch.” She blew me a kiss. “Come on, let’s dance. I’ve been dying to, but this one won’t oblige, unless it’s a slow song.”

Ethan bent down to whisper in Avery’s ear and gave her a look that even made me melt. She smiled up at him, adoration and love in her eyes.

“You two are so perfect together,” I murmured.

My throat constricted at the image of them.

I wanted what they had.

I wanted that with Luke.


I wasn’t sure it would ever happen.

Avery turned in my direction, and her face fell. “Oh, Liv,” she whispered in my ear, so attuned to me that she knew something was wrong. “Is it Luke?”

I nodded, momentarily unable to get the words out.

“Dance with me. We’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?” she promised.

“Okay,” I mouthed.

I followed her onto the dance floor. After a few minutes of throwing silly moves, my mood had improved. I was breathless and laughing, enjoying spending time with my best friend. Eddie and George joined us, Eddie’s enthusiastic arm waving almost knocking me off my feet more than once.

“Ed! Please! Watch where you’re waving your arms.” I groaned as he accidentally whacked my boob.

“Oops, sorry, babes,” he shouted, moving slightly further away from me and stumbling into Jamie, who was trying to put the moves on Ashley.

“Eddie…” he warned.

He hung his head sadly.

“Aww, Eddie, come here.” I pulled him over to me. “It’s okay, I’ll take my chances with your windmill arms.” I winked at him, and his downcast face brightened. We continued dancing, and he only knocked into me another eight or nine times. It was fine. Fine. Really.

As the evening wore on with no sign of Luke, I started to give up hope that he was ever going to turn up. I surreptitiously checked my phone now and then but hadn’t received any messages. I resolved to keep dancing and having fun with my friends, regardless.

“Liv,” Avery hissed, elbowing me in the ribs.

“Ow! What—” Oh.

Stalking across the dance floor, his intense, darkened gaze trained on me…


My stomach flipped. My vision tunnelled until he was the only thing I could see.

He was the predator, and I was his prey.

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance