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Ethan let out a frustrated growl. “Does Olivia know this? You really need to have a conversation with her. I won’t have you messing around with her and hurting both you and her in the process.”

“Yes, Dad. We’re both adults, and what we do or don’t do is no one’s business but our own.” My jaw clenched and I balled my fists at my sides, digging my nails into my palms.

“Mate.” Ethan’s voice softened. “I know your parents gave you a skewed view of relationships. And, well, I think you could be happy with Olivia, if you’d let yourself.” His mouth twisted sadly. “I see the way you look at each other. I wish you’d realise that you’re capable of being in a relationship.”

I stared at him. “Tell me you didn’t say what I think you said. You’re bringing my parents into this? Yeah, maybe they did give me a fucked-up view of relationships.” I laughed bitterly. “I’m not about to make the same mistakes they did. Liv and I, we’re having fun. Just because you’re all loved-up with Avery—and don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you both—doesn’t mean that I want to be in your situation.”

I’d seen first-hand how toxic relationships could be. My childhood had been a never-ending loop of witnessing my parents at each other’s throats, right until the point my mum had had enough and walked out. Unbidden, the memory arose in my mind.

Letting myself in the front door after spending the afternoon at a friend’s, I headed towards the kitchen to get myself a drink. Hearing raised voices, I peered cautiously around the corner of the door to see my parents arguing. They were always at each other’s throats, but this time was different. Rage and fury poured from them both, thickening the air and making my throat close up.

“I can’t stand to live under the same roof as you for another second. You’re a lazy, useless waste of space!” my mum screamed at my dad, her face red with anger.

“Good, ’cos I’m sick of the sight of your face. You think I don’t know about your Valium addiction?” His voice rose. “You can hide that shit from your doctor, but you can’t pull the wool over my eyes. You’re a fucking disgrace.”

Racing upstairs, I slammed my bedroom door and jammed my earphones in, blasting Eminem at full volume to drown out the sound of their argument. It wasn’t loud enough to cover the noise of the front door as it was wrenched open by my mother, then crashed shut for the final time.

My mum had never bothered to stay in touch other than to send me a card every birthday and Christmas. She’d made it crystal clear that I wasn’t a priority to her. It was a relief when she left, as horrible as it sounds, because the arguments stopped. My dad, always distant and reserved around me, had shut himself off, and as soon as I’d turned eighteen, and he’d moved in with his girlfriend—now his wife—our contact had lessened to the point where we only spoke three or four times a year, with the occasional email. If I was lucky.

No, there was no way I was going to put myself, or any woman, in that situation. Ethan was right; I needed to have a word with Olivia to make sure we were on the same wavelength. The last thing I wanted was for us to get our wires crossed, and for me to ruin our friendship.

“I’ll talk to her.”

All thoughts of talking flew out of my mind when Olivia walked into the office kitchen, where I was making a coffee to replenish my energy after the early-morning workout. Her lips curved into a shy smile when she saw me, her huge blue eyes lighting up.

“Morning.” Her full tits brushed my arm as she reached past me for a mug, sending a shot of heat straight to my groin. She put a coffee pod into the machine and leaned back against the countertop.

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I stared at her, following the line of her slim neck, down her body to her sexy legs. On autopilot, I moved forward, placing my hands on the surface either side of her so I was caging her in. I pressed my body against hers, sure she could feel my erection between us. She let out a breathy, almost inaudible moan, her pupils dilating and nostrils flaring.

“Morning, yourself.” I leaned down to murmur into her ear. I couldn’t help kissing her soft lobe, and her whole body shuddered. Fuck, if she was this responsive now, I couldn’t wait to see how she fell apart for me in bed.

In bed. Right. We needed to talk before things went any further.

“Liv?” Drawing my head back, I looked down at her upturned face.

“Huh?” Her eyes, half-lidded, met mine.

“Uh, can we talk?”

“What about?” She eyed me warily, and I took a step back to try to collect my thoughts.

“About this.” I pointed between us. Why was it so hard to say what was on my mind? “Can we go for a drink after work, maybe?”

Her body tensed, her eyes searching mine.

Whatever she saw there must have reassured her, because she shrugged, her shoulders easing. “Sure.”

She strolled out of the kitchen, hips swaying, and I stood where I was for a moment, willing my dick to go down.

My overloaded work schedule meant the day flew by; I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. On the one hand, I couldn’t wait to spend time with Olivia out of a work environment, but on the other hand, I’d bet anything the conversation would be awkward, and I was dreading fucking up things between us.

“Ready to go?” I met Olivia in the office doorway, and we made our way out of the building into the early-evening sunshine. Holding hands wasn’t my style, but taking Olivia’s hand in mine as we walked down the street was necessary to keep us from being separated. Really. A small smile appeared on her glossy lips as my hand encompassed hers, entwining our fingers together.

I led her into the pub, and by some coincidence that was, frankly, bloody weird, the booth was free. The prime seating area in the pub—the same booth where we’d both seen each other outside of work for the first time; where Olivia had met Alex; where I’d upset her, and she’d rushed home.

“Back at the scene of the crime.” Her tone was dry, our minds on the same wavelength.

“Less arguing this time, though, fingers crossed.” I laughed. Our eyes met. Olivia’s sparkled at me, blue and luminous. Fuck, she was so beautiful. Had I been too blind to notice any sooner, or had I been denying myself?

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance