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“Uh, bye?” I said to the empty room. I stayed where I was, slumped on the floor.

Ethan re-entered the room, minus Avery.

“She’s asleep already.” He chuckled. “She doesn’t drink much, and I think it all went to her head.”

I laughed. “You don’t say. Hope she doesn’t have a bad head in the morning—make sure she has water and painkillers.”

“I’ve got it taken care of,” Ethan assured me. “Thanks for looking out for her, though. You’re a good friend.” He smiled at me. “You’re welcome to crash here if you like?”

Hmm. Tough decision. Stay in Ethan’s luxury penthouse with his four-gazillion-thread-count linen and cloud-like mattresses, or go out in the cold and go home to an empty flat?

“I’ll take you up on that offer.”



There had been a bit of an odd atmosphere between me and Payne after our meal at Ethan and Avery’s. It had been a…strange evening. Maybe it was because it was the first time we’d really interacted properly outside of work, or the fact we were hanging out with our close friends, or something else. I’d seen Payne in a new light—relaxed and carefree. We’d had that moment, before Avery interrupted us, when I’d forgotten why I’d ever disliked her. Lately, we’d become more at ease in each other’s company, but there was a weird vibe in the air between us now and I wasn’t sure why.

I checked over the improved Delny website one last time, to make sure everything was as it should be. “Does it all look okay to you, Payne?”

She was silent. I watched as her fingers furiously tapped her phone keypad, her eyes narrowed in concentration. “Payne,” I said more loudly, waving my hand in front of her face.

“Ah!” She jumped, her eyes flying up to meet mine. “Sorry. I was just texting Nick.”

An uncomfortable sensation settled in the pit of my stomach at her words. “Nick? Is that your boyfriend?” I clenched my fists unconsciously, only realising when Payne glanced down, then raised a quizzical brow at me.

“No.” She smirked at me. “Nick’s in his sixties. I’ve been out with older men, but not that old.”

“Good.” Good? “I mean, sorry, it’s none of my business. Just making conversation.” I averted my eyes, staring at the screen.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry. I wasn’t concentrating. Nick’s the director of a youth centre I volunteer at sometimes, and he wanted to check what supplies I needed for the art class I’m running tonight.”

“Art class?” I turned back to face her, staring into her huge blue eyes.

“Yeah. I help out at the youth centre some evenings. I usually have a small group of teenagers, and I get them doing things like sketching and painting. It just gives them something different to do—somewhere safe to hang out with their friends and maybe learn new skills. Want to know something?” I nodded as she leaned forwards, beckoning me closer as if she was about to impart a great secret. “My art skills are terrible.” She laughed, her eyes sparkling with humour. “I seem to be okay at bringing out their creative side, though, and that’s the important thing.”

I sat back, my mind whirling. “Payne…that’s…that’s really good of you to do that. I bet the kids love you teaching them.”

“Do you?” She raised a brow at me. “I’m no saint or anything. It was something I signed up for when I first moved here—I saw an advert in a little art exhibition, and it intrigued me. I love it, though. The kids are great, and I get to explore all the different forms of art with them. We all get something out of it.”

We sat for a moment, lost in our own thoughts, before I broke the silence. “Come on, let’s get back to work. If we can sign this website off today, we’ll only have the social media accounts to work on.”

Payne nodded, her slim hands drumming on the desk as she fidgeted restlessly.

I sighed. “Payne. Whatever it is you’re thinking, just say it.”

“Well. Are you busy after work?”

“No…” I said slowly. “Why?”


“Huh?” I stared at her, amused, as she lowered her lashes, blushing. She took a dee

p breath and spoke again, staring down at her hands.

“I was wondering if you’d like to come with me. To the youth centre.” She grimaced. “Sorry. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to. Forget I asked.”

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance