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Pretty, slim, tumbling blonde curls. Universally liked Ashley.

What I could only describe as a spike of pure, hot jealously stabbed through me. I kept my face impassive, or at least I hoped I did, but inside my head I was asking myself why I was feelin

g such an extreme reaction. I shouldn’t be feeling anything—didn’t want to feel anything. This was Luke Davenport. We didn’t even like each other.

“That’s nice,” I said evenly. I picked up my glass and took a large gulp, my hand shaking slightly.

Ethan and Avery shared another knowing look. I glared at them both.

“I’m getting another drink.”

I flew across the pub to the bar before either of them could say another word.

I slid onto a stool next to Alex, who was still charming the bartender.

“Lovely Liv!” he exclaimed, dropping his heavy arm around me. He looked me over from head to toe. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he flirted.

“Oh, stop it, you.” My mood instantly improved. Laughing, I playfully shoved his arm away, or tried to, at least.

“What are you made of, rocks?” I giggled and squeezed his huge bicep. “Here, get a feel of this,” I marvelled to the bartender, who was eyeing Alex’s muscles with avid interest. She needed no further encouragement and leaned across the bar to stroke his arm, purring in appreciation.

“Ladies, just so you know, I’m happy to spread the love.” Alex winked at us. “There’s plenty of me to go around.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” I snorted.

Grinning, I ruffled his hair, then turned to the bartender. “He’s all yours, but would you mind getting me a drink first? Slimline G and T, please.”

“Of course.” She smiled. Ducking behind the bar, she returned quickly with my gin, and I took a grateful sip.

“Thanks. Sorry, I never introduced myself. That was rude of me. I’m Olivia.” I held out my hand, returning her smile.

“Sarah.” She placed her hand in mine, shaking it. “It’s a pleasure.”

“Well, Sarah, now that we know each other, I think I can share a secret with you.” I leaned forward, cupping my hand around my mouth. “My friend Alex here would like to get to know you better, if you know what I’m saying,” I said in a stage whisper.

I grinned as she blushed, then rallied. “I kind of got that impression.” Her gaze moving from me to Alex, she stared into his eyes. “I’m looking forward to getting to know him better, too.”

Alex’s smile was so wide, I could see all his teeth. He turned to me. “You make a good wingman. Wingwoman. I think I’ve got it from here, though.” He hugged me into his side and dropped a kiss on top of my head.

Smiling, I hopped off my stool. “You two have fun.” I waggled my fingers at them both and made my way back to the sofa, only to stop dead when I saw we’d been joined by two others.

My good mood evaporated.

Luke and Ashley. They sat together on the sofa, Luke’s arm slung casually around Ashley’s shoulder. Ashley looked pretty as always. I couldn’t tell you more than that. My focus was almost wholly on Luke Davenport. He looked…his hair was all dark and tousled, and the tailored navy suit he was wearing hugged his lean, muscular body in the most perfect way… I had to fight back the stab of jealousy that hit me again. Fuck. This was not good.

I shuttered my expression, forcing myself to act upbeat. “Ashley, hi. What a nice surprise to see you,” I said, smiling. “I didn’t realise you and Davenport were a thing.”

I glanced at Luke, the smile barely staying on my face. His emerald eyes darkened as they narrowed at me.

“Oh, we’re not a thing. It’s a casual date.” Ashley shrugged, giving me a small smile. “Just seeing where it takes us.”

“Groovy,” I said, giving her a thumbs-up.

Groovy? What was I, Austin Powers?

The hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of Luke’s mouth.

Tags: Becca Steele London Suits Romance