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Fucking enough. Our time was running short, and I needed to step up.

I raised my voice. “House meeting tonight.”

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

“Does that include me?” Kinslee broke the sudden silence.

“Yeah. Lena, too, if you can get hold of her, Cass.”

He nodded. “Guess we have to start speaking

to each other again sometime.”

“She giving you trouble?” I eyed him curiously.

“Nah, we had a bit of a falling-out over her bad decisions. She knows how I feel about her getting involved in all that shit down at the docks, but she can’t see that she’s been putting herself in danger.” He groaned. “Why are women so fucking stubborn?”

Winter and Kinslee both gave him identical unimpressed looks, and I smirked at him. “Best not to even go there, mate.”

He sat back, muttering to himself, and Winter twisted around to face me fully.

“What about James?” she asked softly, her blue eyes staring into mine. As if I could deny her anything.

“Fuck,” I muttered reluctantly. “Give me his number.”

She gave me a bright smile and kissed my cheek. “Coming right up.”

I tapped out a text to Granville. Fucking Granville.

Me: Time to pick a side. Are you with us or against us?

Granville: Who’s this?

Me: Who do you fucking think it is?

Granville: Did Winter give you my number?

Me: Irrelevant. One more time Granville. Are you with us or against us?

Granville: What’s going on? I need more info

I growled, already irritated. “West? Forward me a screenshot of that email, will ya?”

I waited impatiently as he tapped at his phone, and finally the new message alert appeared on my screen. I saved the screenshot and sent it to Granville, then sat back to wait for his reply. Almost ten fucking minutes passed before he finally decided to respond.

Granville: I’m assuming you have a plan?

Me: OFC I have a plan

Granville: Good. Are you going to catch me up on everything I need to know?

I blew out a frustrated breath. “Are you sure we can trust him?”

My girl nodded, reading the messages I was exchanging with Granville. “I’m sure we can.”


Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance