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“How do you know just what I need?” He looked over at me as he turned the car back onto the road. The rain had slowed to a dull drizzle, the sea mist clearing away as we continued the drive to Alstone College.

“Because I know you. Like you know what I need.”

He smiled at me, finally, and I decided to try and lighten the atmosphere further. “Plus, you’re a man. Your basic needs are food, fucking, and—” I paused. “Fighting? Fun? I’m trying to think of another f word.”

“Fame? Fencing? Fishing?”

We were both laughing by now. Caiden laughing? It was like the sun coming out. I still wasn’t used to seeing this fun, relaxed side of him, but I couldn’t get enough of it. I’d do anything to see him happy.

I watched his profile, drinking in the smile curving over his lips, his eyes lit up with amusement as I continued our playful discussion. “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? Actually, no. It can only be a one-word answer.”

“One word, huh?” His brow furrowed in thought. “What about…football?”

“Family?” I suggested. “I’m including myself in that.”

“Family. Yeah.” He smiled at me, before returning his gaze to the road.

As it turned out, we didn’t have to worry about running into Joseph Hyde. When we were pulling into the uni car park, my phone buzzed with a text from James.

James: Thought you might want to know that Joseph’s taking some time off from his TA position.

Me: Do you know why?

Me: Also, good news. It means I don’t have to worry about Cade murdering him and then me having to dispose of the body.

Caiden snorted, leaning over to read the messages.

James: He didn’t say. Can we meet at lunch? I have some info.

Me: Yes! Where?

James: You pick. 12pm?

Me: Meet in the library. Less chance of being overheard.

James: Will your shadow be there?

“Fucking prick,” Caiden muttered under his breath.

James: Caiden if you’re reading this, that was a JOKE

Me: *laughing emoji* Best not to provoke him

James: I’ll try. See you in the library at 12. Top floor?

Me: We’ll be there

“Are you okay to meet at twelve?” I undid my seat belt, opening the car door. The rain had stopped, but a cold wind blew into the car, making me shiver.

“I’ll be there.” We got out of the car, and Caiden came around to my side, pressing me into the door and kissing me. “Stay out of trouble. I mean it.”

“I will.”

It felt so strange to be back at university, getting back into the swing of lectures and taking notes. So much had happened since the previous semester, that I could barely get my head around it all. The morning dragged as I sat through a business seminar, taking notes on autopilot. I couldn’t even say what it was about afterwards. My brain was at least aware enough to get the notes down, but I’d have to make an effort to read through the materials properly later.

“Did you understand any of Professor Mulligan’s lecture back there? I found it a real struggle to concentrate.” I sighed, turning to look at Cassius as we pushed through the doors that led outside, carried along by the crush of students.

“I’ve got you covered.” His voice reassured me. It may have seemed like he didn’t take life seriously, but he took his studies seriously and was one of the top students in the whole university. “You’ve had a lot on your mind, babe,” he continued. “It’s no surprise you’re struggling to concentrate.”

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance