Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted, or more like assaulted, by a sight that it was way too fucking early to see. Cassius, naked as the day he was born other than a black apron that said “Warning: Concealed Sausage” on it, switching between grilling bacon and having what sounded like another code name discussion with my brother and Winter.

I groaned, loudly, and all three of them turned to look at me. “Cass? Why the fuck are you naked?”

He shrugged. “Why not?”

Okay then. I shook my head at him, crossing to the island. Sometimes with Cass, it was best not to ask.

“Did you get my cufflinks?” West eyed me hopefully, and I nodded.

“What cufflink—ow, fuck!”

I looked round just in time to see Cassius jump a mile in the air, gripping his ass, his expression pained.

“The fucking bacon fat jumped out of the pan and burned me!”

“Wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t have your ass out. Just saying.” I shrugged.

“Aww, Cass. You want me to kiss it better?” Winter smirked, and my amusement died away. I glared at them both, and Winter mouthed joking.

Not funny. It was too early for this shit.

Zayde walked in, took one look at Cass, turned around, and walked straight back out again, making Cass and Weston collapse in fits of laughter, the burn forgotten. Weston picked up a spatula, and shouted “en garde,” to Cassius, and they started fucking around, having a pretend sword fight with the utensils.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone, letting them get on with it. I caught Winter’s eye, and she gave me a tiny, hesitant smile, which I returned straight away, making her eyes sparkle as she just looked at me. She was so fucking gorgeous, even when she was sleepy and trying to wind me up.

Playing around apparently finished, Cassius dropped his wooden spoon, staring between us, as Winter yawned widely. A gleam came into his eye. “Hey, Winter. You seem like you’re tired. You know what you need?”

Her voice was flat and unamused as she took in his expression. “What.”

“Vitamin D. From Cade.”

For fuck’s sake.

“Vitamin D? What?” She raised a brow at him, and he gestured to his crotch.

“Ladies love the vitamin D.”

“Really.” She shook her head, caught between an eye roll and a smile. “Is that bacon done yet? I need food to keep my strength up. Got to be ready for the ball.”

The ball. Yeah, that was going to be a shitshow. Being forced to go with Jessa was torture enough, and seeing Winter there—okay, she was going to be with my mate—but that didn’t mean it would be any easier. Especially since we weren’t together at the moment.

Which reminded me, better leave everyone with a reminder that even though we weren’t together, she was mine.

I slid off my stool and walked around behind her. She kept facing forwards, still talking to Cassius, but her breathing sped up, and I saw goosebumps spread over her arms as I pressed my body up against hers, brushing her hair off her shoulder. Fuck, she felt so fucking good against me. I needed to get my shit together and get my girl back.

Leaning down, I spoke into her ear, keeping my voice low. “Jessa may be my date tonight, but that’s as far as it goes. You’re the only one I want.” I had to grip the marble island on either side of her, crowding her in, to stop myself from touching her, doing something I shouldn’t, like picking her up and carrying her out of the kitchen and fucking her until she couldn’t see straight.

She made a tiny noise in the back of her throat. “I…oh. Cade.”

My name coming from her lips? Best fucking sound ever. I glanced up at the boys to see them both watching me, and then I kissed her cheek and stepped back, giving her space to breathe.

Hopefully, all three of them got the message.

She was mine.


This whole situation was fucked up. For a start, the date situation. But even worse than that? Yes, it got worse. My mother had decided to brush our little disagreement in the coffee lounge aside and pretend it had never happened, and she’d invited me to get ready at her mansion. Actually, “invited” wasn’t really the word I’d use, more “insisted.” I’d been tempted to refuse, but I didn’t want to rock the boat with this night being important to so many influential people—including the Four, thanks

Tags: Becca Steele The Four Romance