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I meet his gaze in the soft morning sunlight, swallowing back any snarky remarks as a shift of conviction washes through me, along with a small pang of guilt. Maybe I really shouldn’t have pushed Ciro like that. I don’t know what happened to him in the six years we were apart, but from what Hale has hinted at, it was beyond awful.

I should probably poke at that open wound over and over again, using what little knowledge I have of Ciro’s trauma to try to get him to snap. I should push his buttons until he makes a mistake that gives me an opening to flee.

But I find that I don’t want to.

Not just because it could be dangerous and possibly get me killed, like throwing rocks at a sleeping bear. But because I don’t want to hurt him like that.

I don’t want to cause him more pain.

Of all of these men, Ciro has been the kindest to me. He hasn’t manhandled me or yelled at me. He’s taken care of my wounds, practically keeping me alive all this time, and how do I repay him?



bsp; “I’m sorry,” I murmur, but the words aren’t directed at Hale, and he knows that.

His body eases off of mine, and he gestures back the way we came. I follow the path of our footprints until the road appears, with the car still parked on the shoulder. Hale holds the door open for me, and in a matter of seconds, I’m pressed between the twins in the back seat again.

Goddammit. I’m in so fucking far over my head I can’t even see sunlight anymore, I think as I reach for the buckle, my body burning.

“Ciro…” My gaze flicks toward the front seat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

I want to say something more, but I don’t really know what else to add. It’s weird enough that I voluntarily apologized to one of my captors and actually meant it, and I don’t really want to dwell on why that is.

The dark-haired man doesn’t respond, but I notice that his body relaxes a little, tension easing from his shoulders. Reading Ciro is all about reading his subtle body cues, and I’m satisfied enough by that reaction to drop it.

As Hale pulls away from the side of the road, a car buzzes past us.

It takes me a few seconds to register it—a few seconds too late.

My heart lurches in my chest. Shit. If Hale and I had lingered in the woods for just a minute longer, if we’d arrived back at the road at the same moment…

Maybe I could’ve done something. Signaled for help or flagged down the driver.

Next time, I promise myself as I watch the scenery whizz by.

Because there will be a next time.



We make good time getting to the next safe house—a place that’s set up just like the last one, perfect for hiding away. As soon as we arrive, Hale and Ciro bring Grace inside while Lucas and I unpack the car. We stopped for some food and basic necessities in the last town we passed through, since this safe house has been unused for a while. We try to make sure the houses aren’t shut up for long periods of time, but it happens.

Once we’re all settled in, Lucas wanders off to the kitchen to grab a drink while I head down the hall into the back of the house. It’s been a long day of driving, and I need a shower.

Turns out, having Grace pressed up against me for a full fucking eight hours is a new form of torture I never thought I’d experience. My skin buzzes with an energy I know isn’t good for me right now, and I can smell her sweet floral scent all over me. I’m not supposed to be distracted by her, but that’s easier said than fucking done.

After locking the door behind me, I run the shower, turning the knob until the spray is as hot as I can take. Steam begins to fill the small space, and I tug my shirt over my head with one hand. When I shove my pants and boxers down, I hiss as my hand brushes my hardened cock. I’ve been sporting a semi for what feels like the entire fucking day, and my balls ache with pressure.

Jesus. I need some goddamn relief.

The memory of watching Grace come in front of me has been lingering too close to the front of my thoughts ever since last night. Sitting next to her in the car, everything in me wanted to pin her to the seat like a fucking animal, or to haul her into my lap and taste her sweet lips again.

But fate loves to tease you with what you can’t have. Loves to give it to someone else and make you watch.

Hale and Grace coming back from the woods… her face flushed, her breath quick, although she tried to hide it.

Tags: Eva Ashwood The Dark Elite Romance