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“What do we do about Gary, anyway?” Simon asked. “He still thinks there’s a chance I might pay him money to hand over his parental rights and skip town.”

“Let him continue to think he has a chance,” Aaron said. “That could give us an advantage with him. Make him try to soften his legal defense if he believes he might be making a lot of money in the future.” Aaron paused. “I admit I’d rather you permitted me to dig up dirt, but you know what’s best for your son, Heather. Your first court hearing is in two weeks, so we’ve got a lot of work to do in the meantime.”

“I understand. Is there anything I can do?” she asked.

“Yes. I’ll need to prep you to be able to answer questions during the hearing if it comes to that,” Aaron said. “I really want to work on making you look as sympathetic as possible. You’re still trying to share custody with your vindictive ex-husband. Something like that could really go over well with the judge.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Simon reached for her hand to squeeze it. Despite their escapade in his office before Aaron had showed up, Simon usually kept public displays of affection to a minimum. But from the way the blood drained from her face, it was clear that Heather needed all the support she could get.

He could tell she was trying to put on a brave face, but when he clasped her hand in his he felt the tiniest tremble in her hand. Heather was obviously scared of losing Finn, and he planned on doing everything he could to make sure that did not happen.

Chapter 11

He opened the passenger door for her and relieved her of the bottle of Champagne she had been cradling in her hands. Heather’s heart wobbled as Simon took her hand to help her step out of the passenger seat of his electric car.

Her son was already jumping out of the backseat. After countless boxes of juice before their drive over to her parents’ house, Finn was on a sugar high that could not be contained.

“We’re here!” Finn bounded up to the front door and started knocking on it with his tiny fist.

She exchanged a nervous, but amused, glance with Simon.

“Someone’s excited,” he said with a laugh.

The rich sound of his deep laughter helped to calm her frayed nerves a little. It had been a week since she had first started out with her new lawyer, but each day that went by meant they were getting closer and closer to the custody hearing. A hearing she had spent days preparing for, but she still couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Tonight was the first dinner Simon would be having with her parents. The occasion was supposed to be special. A gathering to get reacquainted before the terrifying ordeal of next week’s court hearing.

The stress of the upcoming court hearing combined with the stress of having dinner with her new boyfriend and her family was sending her heart rate into overdrive. As if noticing her unease, Simon slid an arm around her and held her close as they headed towards the door together.

Stress aside, having Simon to lean on was the only thing that had gotten her through her extensive sessions with her new lawyer. Simon had insisted on going with her to support her during the exhausting prep sessions of the past week.

Her father stepped out and greeted Finn with their usual high-five. “Hey, Finnley, right on time. You hungry?”

Finn nodded so hard his entire body shook. “Yup! Can I have dessert first, Grandpa?”

“I don’t think your mother or your grandmother are going to like that idea much.” Her father crouched low. “But maybe if you try to save a little room for dessert, you’ll get an extra helping of chocolate cake. How does that sound?”

Her son cheered and raced into the house, calling for his grandmother.

When her father straightened, she leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek. “Hi, Dad.”

“You’re looking nice tonight, Heather,” her father said, giving her a quick hug.

“Thank you, Dad. Your new haircut looks nice as well.” She turned her attention to Simon. “You remember Simon, don’t you?”

“Hello, Mr. Monroe,” Simon said.

“Why are you kids being so formal?” her father asked, his voice a deep boom. “Of course, I remember Simon. He was here a while back to drop you off, wasn’t he? Simon, please, call me Bob.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Billionaire Secrets Billionaire Romance