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The only problem was, he didn’t know where to go from here.

“Unlike you, I actually have to work,” Gary said. “That’s what keeps me away from my kid.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Simon said. “Heather has a demanding job, but she makes time for Finn. It’s not your job keeping you away from him. I know that you’ve got some girlfriend that keeps you away from your son. Or maybe a couple.”

“You don’t get to judge me.” Gary’s jaw clenched. “Heather started dating you, so I’m sure she doesn’t spend nearly as much time with Finn as she used to.”

“You’re wrong,” Simon said flatly. “You said it yourself: Heather would never let anything come between her and Finn. Yet you have the nerve to try to take Finn away from her.”

“Can you blame me?” Gary retorted. “She spoils him too much. She’s making him soft. I need to toughen that kid up.”

“Why? So he can grow up to be an ass like you?”

Gary jumped to his feet, anger blazing in his eyes. “Watch yourself.”

“You’re in my apartment,” Simon warned. “Begging for my money, I might add.”

“Look, we don’t see eye to eye on anything,” Gary said. “But if you give me the money I need, I’ll get out of the way. You can have your perfect little life with Heather and my son.”

Simon hesitated. Was that really what he wanted? For Gary to step away? “What exactly would I be paying you for?”

“I’ll drop the custody case. The first custody hearing’s in a few weeks, so I’m ready to get this going,” Gary replied as he resumed his seat. “After I drop the case, I’ll let Heather have full custody. I’ll give up all parental rights to Finn and leave Seattle, so I can finally start my life.”

That meant that Gary would be out of Heather’s life for good. She wouldn’t have to worry about losing her son. Wouldn’t have to worry about Gary’s threats and bullying. Heather would finally be free of her ex-husband. Free to finally live her life on her terms.

The urge to pay him off was suddenly overwhelming. A few million dollars was all Simon would have to give up for a lifetime of happiness with Heather.

He could picture his life with her. A life without Gary’s shadow looming over them. It meant no more lawyers, no more looking over their shoulders, no more waiting for the other shoe to drop in the press.

“If you leave, you’d be letting go of your vendetta against Heather,” Simon pointed out. “You wouldn’t get your chance at your twisted form of payback.” He’d need lawyers to draw up a contract. Have Gary sign them, stating he was giving up parental rights. Would it work? “You couldn’t come back to ask for more if you run out of money.”

Gary shrugged. “It would be worth it to get my hands on two million dollars.” He hesitated. “Maybe I should make it three million? Wouldn’t want to risk running out.” When he saw Simon’s expression, he backed down slightly. “Two mill’s plenty.”

The fact that he could so callously turn his back on his own son for money sickened Simon. Turned his insides to molten lead as rage coursed through his veins.

“And what about Finn?” Simon demanded.

“What about him?”

“He would be destroyed if you left him behind,” Simon said, unable to mask the desperation in his voice. “He’s just a kid. If you turn your back on him now, you’ll be breaking his heart for the rest of his life. Is that worth it?”

“According to you, if I stay I’ll never get along with his mother,” Gary said. “How’s that good for him in the long run?”

“You’re a selfish ass.” Simon wanted to lunge across the living room and beat some sense into Gary, but it wasn’t his place to teach the guy that kind of lesson. What was his place in this situation?

“Maybe, but it’s obvious you’re considering it,” Gary said coolly. “That’s why you haven’t thrown me out yet. It might hurt Finn for a while, but don’t act like you don’t want a future with Heather. A future that’s made easier because I’m out of the picture.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Billionaire Secrets Billionaire Romance