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My jaw clenches. I can’t imagine what the hell he’ll say to try to justify flipping on me again, but I have to hear him say it. More than that, I have to tell him face-to-face that he can fuck right off. That I’m done lett

ing him jerk me around.

I push away from the wall and turn to head back the way I came.

But as soon as I spin around, the world tilts strangely in my vision. I press an unsteady hand to the wall again, wondering if I’m about to have another fucking episode—my emotional state is certainly enough to bring one on.

This doesn’t feel the same though.

I’m not dizzy, the way I normally get.

I’m… fuzzy.

It feels like someone packed my brain full of cotton, and it’s dampening my thoughts, slowing communication between my brain and body. When I try to take my hand away from the wall, there’s a several-second delay before my arm moves. And when I try to take a step forward, my foot can barely find the ground again. The world tilts sharply to the side, and I slam against the wall, almost going to my knees.

No. This isn’t an episode.

My lagging brain puts the pieces together, and I can feel panic flooding me—but even that is dull, a distant emotion that almost feels like it belongs to someone else.


I’ve been drugged.

My mouth drops open, but instead of a cry for help, the only thing that comes out is a low moan.

The last few shreds of rational thought scream at me to find Max, to find help. I force my uncoordinated feet to stagger down the hall, my upper body crashing against the wall as I keep losing my balance.

Rough hands grab me from behind, fingers digging into my biceps as someone drags me sideways.

There’s an open door on one side of the hall, and I have only enough time to register a set of dark stairs leading down before my body is shoved forward.

My hands try to reach out, to grab for something to stop my movement, but they’re too slow.

I fall, and I keep falling, tumbling down the steps in a blur of chaos and pain.

My head cracks sharply against a hard surface as my body comes to a stop.

And then I don’t feel anything at all.

To Be Continued…

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Tags: Eva Ashwood Sinners of Hawthorne University Romance