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I was able to avoid him the majority of yesterday. The cabin was a flurry of wedding activities, which helped. I’m a coward, and I know that. I’ll own it. I refuse to let any drama between the two of us interfere with my sister’s wedding.

“There she is.” Conrad smiles when I join the group.

“Is she ready?” Sawyer asks.

“More than ready.” I walk to the front and take my place next to Conrad.

He leans in close. “You take my breath away.”

My heart hammers in my chest at his words. I want so badly to believe him. I want the fantasy world we’ve been living in the past week to be real. However, I’ve known Conrad for a while now, and he’s all about the fun, and nothing about him has ever said to me that he’s ready to settle down. I want what my sister has, and I refuse to settle for anything less.

“Shall we?” He offers me his arm. I take it and slide my arm through his. He rests his hand over mine, and it feels so natural to be standing here with him like this. Together, we start down the open staircase to where the living room has been transformed for today’s ceremony.

When we reach the arch of flowers where Grant is standing, I have to let go of him, and I feel the action in my soul. I want to keep him for me. I want this past week to be our normal, and I know that it won’t be. I swallow hard at the emotions clogging my throat. I hadn’t figured I would find a man who turns me inside out, and he’s emotionally unavailable. He thinks he wants me, wants what we had here, but once we’re back home and our everyday lives resume, he’s going to be seeing things more clearly. It hurts now. I can’t imagine the pain of him changing his mind.

No, thank you.

Self-preservation is in full effect.

Royce and Sawyer, Owen and Layla, and finally Marshall, who’s holding Carter in his little suit, follow in beside Conrad and me. When the music changes, I don’t turn to look for my father and my sister. Instead, I turn my gaze toward Grant. His face lights up the minute he sees my sister. I watch as his eyes well with tears. The smile pulling at his lips tells me all I need to know. Aurora has given her heart to a good man with a loving, supporting family, and I couldn’t be happier for her.

“I love you,” Grant says loud and clear as soon as Aurora is standing next to him.

I wipe at my cheeks as my eyes, on their own accord, stray from the happy couple to Conrad. He’s watching me intently. What I wouldn’t give to be able to read his mind. With extreme effort, I pull my gaze from his and focus on my sister and his brother. Today is their day, one I have no doubt will be the start of a beautiful life together.

When a hand lands on my shoulder, I know it’s him. How is it that in just a short amount of time, my body knows his touch? “Dance with me?” His lips brush against my cheek.

Quickly my eyes dart around to see if anyone is watching. I shouldn’t worry. Not a single person is paying us an ounce of attention. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Come on. We’ve already had one dance tonight.”

He’s right. We have. As soon as the ceremony was over, the men in the Riggins family, along with the help of my father, moved the tables that were set at the edge of the room and moved the chairs around them. That gave a place for everyone to sit and left the remaining open floor space for the dance floor. Somehow, Conrad was able to set up a tablet to be the DJ, and we can even punch in song requests, and the music is piped through to the entire first floor of the cabin.

Aurora went on and on about how cool it was and that he had it all worked out to just tap the button for each event. Such as when the bride entered the room, the first dance as husband and wife, father-daughter, and mother-son dances. She raved about his tech skills, and it took everything I had not to tell her that he’s skilled in more than just computer technology. However, I was able to bite my lip and nod at her as she sang his praises.

“Aspen,” he whispers my name.

I can’t deny him. I know that I need to protect myself and my heart, but I can’t. Just one more dance. We all head home tomorrow, and things will go back to normal. This is my last chance to be in his arms. It’s an opportunity I know I should pass, but I just can’t.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Riggins Brothers Billionaire Romance