Page 5 of Doctor For Hire

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I left to get away from her.

“What? Oh… I thought you said anyone could do my job?” she asks and I can’t tell if she’s still pissed or not because she's wearing the mask over her face. I tighten my hand into a fist to keep from taking it off of her. How she can still look sexy in a mask, with one of those damn caps over her head hiding her hair is beyond me.

“That was an asinine thing to say. I’m sorry,” I tell her, because it was.

Her pupils dilate and her face—what little I can see—betrays her shock. I rarely ever apologize, but I said that because I was pissed and I shouldn’t have taken it out on her. The truth is, I need a fucking vacation. I’ve been working so much lately I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

When it becomes clear she’s not going to respond I leave the operating room. I’m through that room and through the door that leads to the main hallway in the hospital before I hear Nurse Riley behind me.

“Dr. Miner, can I talk to you for a minute?”

I hold my head down, rake my hand across the top of it, roughing my hair up and wonder just how I’m going to get away from this woman before I break my own rules.

I turn to see her walking to me and that’s a mistake too. Without the surgery garb, I’m reminded up close and personal just how beautiful she is. My cock is too because I’m rock hard right now. As she walks toward me her hair catches a current of air from the AC unit and fans behind her gently. She smiles at me nervously, but looks me straight in the eye and that’s probably the moment I know I’m toast. I’m going to give in to my body’s demands with this woman. I’m going to break my own personal rules… for her.

I can’t stop myself.

“What’s up?” I ask, my voice hoarse because fuck I want her and I’m not used to that instant need. I’m a man not a teenage kid. I control my body—it doesn’t control me… At least it didn’t until I started fantasizing about Nurse Riley.

“I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn’t have been short with you back there. It’s just that I didn’t want—”

“Let me interrupt you, Nurse Riley. There’s no need for an apology—”

“Tabitha, please and still I feel bad. I shouldn’t have said what I did,” she murmurs, her face coloring with a tinge of embarrassment. Before I can respond Tabitha is tackled by another woman.

“Tabby! I found you!” the girl exclaims. I look over the other woman and she’s pretty. She reminds me of Nurse Riley a little. She’s kind of a pale comparison however. She’s got the same eyes, though I think Nurse Riley’s shine a little brighter. They have similar shaped faces, but this woman’s hair color is a dark blonde—probably salon ordered—and it’s cut in a short sleek cut that falls above her shoulders. It doesn’t make me want to wrap my hands in it… It bores me. The other woman is also about four or five inches shorter. Normally I like shorter women, but Nurse Riley is the exception, probably because of how her legs go on for miles.

“Hil,” Nurse Riley mumbles, clearly shocked and if the way her face goes instantly ashen is any indication, she’s not happy the other girl has made an appearance.

“Surprise!” the woman proclaims, and her voice is starting to annoy me—or maybe I’m already annoyed. I need to excuse myself and get out of here. “I told you I’d come see you!”

“Uh… you did. I just didn’t think you would. I mean you have your wedding to get ready and things,” Nurse Riley murmurs.

“Well, I thought I’d come down here and let my big sister help me!”

Sister… that explains the resemblance. If that wasn’t enough reason to flee, the fact that they’re discussing weddings is enough to make my dick deflate instantly. I just hope he manages to snap out of it and it’s not permanent.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. We can talk later—”

“Oh! I’m so sorry! Where are my manners? Actually where are yours Tabby? Aren’t you going to introduce me?” the girl demands.

I look over at Nurse Riley and if anything she looks even more pale. Maybe she’s coming down with something. Working long hours is hell on the immune system. She looks like she’s about to make a run for the restroom. What she doesn’t look like, is someone getting ready to answer her sister’s question. So I decide to. The quicker I disengage from this situation the better.

“I’m Dr. Miner. I’m the Chief of Surgery here at South East Memorial…”

Before I can say anything more the girl lets out this huge screech that actually makes me wince.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance