Page 22 of Doctor For Hire

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“Why’s that?”

“Because I’d much rather use my hands on you.”

“That might not happen until we get back home and away from my family.”

“We could always find a hotel,” he suggests with a devilish glint in his eye.

“That would piss my mother off so much,” I warn him, but I’m grinning.

“Do you care?” he asks, already knowing my answer.

“Not in the least.”

“How about we hit the road then?”

“I thought you would never ask,” I tell him. My heart is beating a million miles a minute. Finally, after doing nothing but dreaming about it… I’m going to sleep with Brody.

Well… with any luck, there will be no sleeping involved.

Chapter Seventeen


“I think you scared that poor clerk to death,” I laugh nervously as I hear the locking of the room door.

“He wasn’t moving fast enough,” Brody growls.

His voice is deep and there’s a vibration in it that sends chills through my body.


“I want to go slow with you gorgeous, give you sweet words and take my time.”


“I don’t think I have that in me right now. It seems like I’ve wanted you forever, Tabitha. Every minute I spend with you only makes that feeling more intense.”

“Those sound like pretty sweet words,” I whisper, and they are. They might be the sweetest words I’ve ever heard and it’s all because they come from Brody.

“You like those then you’re going to love my next ones,” he says, his eyes holding a devilish glint.

“I am?”

In response, he walks over to me, his eyes dark and full of hunger. He grabs the V-collar of my dress, one side in each hand. I bite my lip as I anticipate his next move My dress is a maxi dress, lacing up the back, but the front buttons all the way up the middle There’s a small belt at my waist and that’s it. It’s black and silky and one of my favorite dresses, but…

“Undo your belt, gorgeous,” he says and somehow his voice has dropped down another notch. It causes me to shiver…all over. My gaze holds his as I untie my belt and let it drop to the floor. “You’re such a good girl, Tabitha. So eager to please. It makes me want to see just how good you are.”

His words are like alcohol going straight to my head. I feel light headed and dizzy from the heat coming from him. I don’t think I could get any more turned on and then he rips my dress down the middle—just from the hold on my collar.

I gasp in shock. I don’t know what I expected exactly, but it wasn’t that. Buttons either gave way or popped and flew across the room. Through it all, Brody’s eyes stay glued to mine.

“I liked this dress,” I tell him, when I can finally speak.

“I’ll buy you another one.”

He pushes the dress from my body. I wasn’t expecting this to happen—at least not today. I wore just simple white panties and bra. They aren’t totally ugly, but they definitely aren’t sexy. I’m already blushing, but the thought that I’m not looking my best almost makes me run from the room.

“Brody I—”

“Are you going to go shy on me, gorgeous?”

“It’s just… maybe we could shower and kind of… get ready to… well…”

I trail off because I sound like an idiot. Shower and get ready to have sex. If I say that to him he really is going to think I’m insane.

“A shower sounds like a great idea,” he responds. I had dropped my gaze down, embarrassed, but at his words I look up at him in surprise. I’m sure if I could shower, get my suitcase from the car and find some sexier lingerie, I’d be better prepared for this.

“It does?” I ask surprised, still trying to calm my nerves.

“It does. I’ll make sure we shower after.”

“After?” At first not understanding—probably because Brody is looking at me like he’s hungry and I’m a six course meal. It’s a great look, but I’m having trouble concentrating—especially when you add in my nerves.

“After I work the nerves out of you,” he says, dropping to his knees.

“I… Brody… I thought…”

“That’s your problem gorgeous, you’re overthinking,” he says, hooking his fingers under the rim of my panties and pulling them down my legs. “Lift your leg for me,” he orders, a firm hand on my ankle.

I brace my hand on his shoulder and step out of my panties. He maneuvers them over my heel and I at least thank God I’m wearing sexy shoes. I follow his direction as he does the same with my other leg and then he’s holding my panties and grinning up at me. He brings them slowly to his face and inhales deeply. If I wasn’t already red before, I’m probably glowing now.

“Fuck, Tabitha, you smell good enough to eat.”

My knees instantly go weak. I watch as he pulls the lips of my pussy apart. Cool air hits my heated inner flesh and I can feel a gush of wetness come out and slide down. I should be embarrassed, but I’ve never been more turned on in my life. I know that Brody sees it, I know he feels the shiver that runs through me. I know because he flattens his tongue out and slides it against my pussy, gathering my juices and drinking them down.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance