Page 11 of Doctor For Hire

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“Tabitha,” I say with a strong nod.

“That doesn’t sound like what a lover would call you,” he says.

“It doesn’t?”

“No. It should be something sweeter and definitely more familiar. What have the men in your life called you before?”

The men in my life.

He says that like he thinks there’s been a lot of them. I’m really not ready to admit the truth.

“Robbie always call—”

“I don’t really want to think about Robbie,” he responds and since I don’t either, I shrug.

“I’ll think of something,” he says and strangely the look in his eyes causes my stomach to flutter.

“You promise me you’re going to eat soon?”

“I’m not really hungry,”

“You have to eat. Especially after working all the hours you have. I’m not sure how you’re still on your feet.”

“I had a nap before dinner. If I hadn’t I would have tried to control my sister’s cooking a little more.”

“At least grab a sandwich before you crash,” he says and I can read the concern on his face and it makes me feel warm inside. It’s been a long time since anyone has ever worried about me.

“Okay,” I whisper, feeling flushed. His dark eyes are so intense and when he smiles down at me, my heart speeds up.

“Good girl.”

“Now you’re making me sound like a dog,” I complain.

“Definitely not, but I do like the idea of you being my own personal little good girl. Pleasing me, making me happy,” he whispers, his voice dropping down so low I have to strain to hear it. His words weave around me like silk and I struggle to not fall completely under their spell. I’m not sure I succeed.

“What if I want to be bad?” I ask, before I lose my nerve.

“I think I might like that even more, Tabby,” he replies and for once I don’t mind he uses that name. I’m too busy feeling weak in the knees as he bends down for another kiss.

Chapter Eight


I can still taste her on my lips.

Hours later and her taste is right there. The memory of her tongue in my mouth is there and most of all I can feel her body pressed up against me. I knew Tabitha Riley was going to be trouble. I knew she would be my downfall. I have to have her. The problem is I know she’s not going to be a woman I can have and walk away from. I’m going to claim her and I’m going to keep her.

It has become that simple. I doubt she realizes what she’s unleashed inside of me, but in time she will.

I’m so damn keyed up. If it wasn’t so late I’d head to the gym and take out some of my aggression there. But it’s fucking late and I have to be back at the hospital at five in the morning, so the gym is out of the question. I toss my keys on the entry table as I make it inside my house. I go straight to the shower undressing as I walk.

I barely look around my house. When I first moved here, it was perfect. Now, it’s a place to land. I’m barely here and it’s damn lonely when I am. I close my eyes as the hot water hits me. Instantly Tabitha’s smiling face comes to mind, those beautiful dark eyes sparkling with mischief, that dimple I find myself wanting to run my tongue against. If Tabitha was here at my house it would feel better. It wouldn’t be lonely. It’d be a place I’d want to come home to. I’d always thought relationships were traps, but it wouldn’t be the same with Tabitha. She’s a nurse. She knows the demands of my career. She knows the long hours I have to devote. With her everything would be different. I growl under my breath.

I can’t believe I’m thinking of tying myself to a woman… but I am. Tabitha is funny, smart and she’s not intimidated by me. She’s also sexy as hell and the reason my cock is rock hard right now.

I turn off the water and grab a towel, haphazardly hooking it around my hips. I go through the motions of getting ready for bed and turn out the lights. I’ve never noticed how empty my house is before. Tonight the silence is damn right depressing. Once in bed, I lay there and think about Tabitha, wishing I could hear her laughter. That cute little giggle she has makes me smile even now. I reach over and grab my cell phone I tossed on my nightstand earlier. I don’t second guess myself, because it wouldn’t do any good. I need a connection with Tabitha tonight. I wish she was here with me and I’m going to make that happen—sooner rather than later.

I pull up her number and send her a text.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance