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Before she’d met the two guys, she’d determined that the G-spot was a myth. But just like with everything else, Jace and Andre blew what she thought she’d known about herself out of the water.

“Jace,” she pleaded as he continued his dual assault, her knuckles aching from her grip. “Sir, I don’t know if I can—”

“Go for it, baby,” he said, short of breath himself. “Come for me.”

Her breath wheezed out as she let the tide take her under. The feel of his cock, his fingers, her still stinging bottom, the burn of her muscles from the position, all of it swirled into one massive ball of electricity, pulsing through her with relentless force. Then he hit that internal spot again and everything burst through the seams.

Her scream seemed yanked from the core of her being as the orgasm claimed her body. Words, some intelligible some not, spewed from her lips. She called his name, she called him sir, she called to God . . . but when she called out I love you, Jace went over his own precipice.

Fluid, hot and sweet, jetted into her, and his groan joined hers as they tumbled into oblivion together.

Afterward, he rolled off her and gathered her against him, spooning her with his large body. Minutes passed and she thought he’d dozed, but his quiet voice slipped in her ear. “Thank you for that. I’ve never gone bare since I was with you the first time.”

Her lips parted. “What? Not your wif—”

“Condoms for birth control.” He nuzzled her neck. “I’m so glad you were my first.”

The sentiment tugged at her, made her heart ache. How was she going to do what she needed to do? She retreated to the safety of teasing. “Me, too. I thought it was impossible for me to be your first anything, Mr. Experience.”

He snorted. “Are you calling me a slut?”

She waggled her rear against his crotch. “Nah, I was thinking more man whore.”

He pinched her butt. “Smartass.”

“Said the pot to the kettle.”

He kissed her shoulder. “How ’bout being my first love? Does that count for something? ’Cause you’ve been holding that title for a long time, Ev.”

She looked away. “I was just a dumb kid, Jace.”

“We both were, but that doesn’t mean my love for you was any less real.” His voice clogged with emotion. “I can’t even tell you what it was like when I woke up the next day and realized you were gone—that I might never see you again.”

Dread curled in her stomach. He rolled her over to face him, but she couldn’t look him in the eye.

He pushed the dampened hair off her forehead. “Ask me to stay, Evan. Ask me to stay, and we’ll face whatever tomorrow brings together. Don’t run away from me again.”

The soft plea in his voice wrecked her. Ripped out her heart and left it beating helplessly in his hands.

She couldn’t answer, so she kissed him long and deep, lacing her fingers in his hair, holding him against her, memorizing the feel of him, his scent. Imprinting every nuance on her brain.

Because of all the commands he’d given her, he’d finally given the one she couldn’t obey.

An hour later, he was asleep and she was dressed and packed. She took one last look at him sprawled over the bed, his chest rising with steady breaths, his face smoothed of worry. A picture she knew she’d never be able to erase from her memory.

Then she opened the door and walked away. Leaving her heart behind with him.


Jace stretched an arm across the bed, reaching for warmth, for Evan, but his hand hit the nightstand before he found anything solid. And without even opening his eyes, he knew. Knew she wasn’t in the shower or downstairs getting a cup of bad hotel coffee.

She was gone.

He hadn’t been enough to keep her there.

He rolled onto his back, disappointment enveloping him like an oil slick, weighing down his limbs and coating his throat. He’d lost her again.

She’d told him she loved him back. He’d believed her. But she’d left anyway to go take the goddamned fall for a friend, sacrificing her own chance at something true. All to keep a promise? Or was that just an excuse to let Jace down easy? If Daniel wasn’t in the picture, would Evan have given something with him and Andre a real go?

Tags: Roni Loren Loving on the Edge Erotic