Page 26 of The Match

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“Spread your legs.”

I watch as she separates her thighs for me and roll the condom on, as I get a good look at her pussy. Taking her bare ass in my hands, I position myself at her entrance. She lets out a soft moan, as I plunge into her wetness. She tightens around my dick, her juices coating my sensitive skin, forcing me to suck in a deep breath.

Gripping her hair in my hands, I tilt her head back until our eyes meet. Desire and the same hunger I have scrolls across her face. She looks like a sweet girl, maybe innocent at one time, but she’s just as bad as me. We both want this shameful fuck on the couch in the on-call room. Who knows how many doctors have done the same thing in this room, but I don’t care. I want her now more than ever.

Someone knocks on the door, and she stills beneath me, but I keep going. I ignore the second and third knock, as I pump into her harder and faster. They could break down the door, and I wouldn’t bother to stop. Covering her mouth with my hand, I stifle her moans. She’s so damn loud there’s no hiding our quickie. But there’s nothing quick about me. I have the stamina of a racehorse. If we had enough time, I could bury myself inside Ava for hours.

She comes for me, squeezes my cock so hard that now it’s my turn to reach my point of ecstasy. I clutch her hips, hard enough to leave fingerprints, just as I find my release. After I pull out of her, she drops to the couch, out of breath. She leans back against the cushion with her legs wide and open and her dripping wet pussy on display. I consider fucking her once more—because once is not enough. Will it ever be enough?

The person who had banged on the door earlier is back again. I’ve been the interim Residency Program Director for all of one week, and here I am, about to get caught in the act with a surgical intern in an on-call room. We didn’t even try to hide what we were doing in here. At one point, Ava moaned so loud I would be wiling to bet that passersby heard her perfectly.

After years of building walls around my heart, this is my weird way of letting Ava in. And I hate myself for it. She’s bubbly and so full of life, while I’m arrogant and moody. A girl like Ava deserves better than me. The daughter of one of the most respected surgeons in the city shouldn’t be with me. My obsession with her pussy will be the end of both of our careers.

Ava gets dressed in a hurry and runs her hands down the front of her uniform to smooth out the wrinkles. Her cheeks are red and blotchy, the patches spreading down to her chest. I clean up before tucking myself back into my pants and slide the lab coat over my shoulders.

Everything about this encounter feels so cheap, but I don’t let the thought linger for long. I had to get this out of my system. Ava looks as though she needed it just as much as me. But she’s young and fragile. Ava wants to see the good in me. She also sees me as her boss, and now I feel like an ass for taking advantage of her, even though she was a willing participant.

We stare at each other for a second after we’re fully clothed. I do something even I don’t expect and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and rub her cheek with my thumb. She smiles, her face glowing from the orgasm I just gave her. This moment between us is so intimate, instead of the business transaction it was before we stepped into this room. I have to be careful with her. One wrong move could get me in a shitstorm of trouble both with the hospital and my heart.

“We have a meeting,” I say, still trying to get my bearings. She has me so off my game I hope I can focus.

Ava nods. “Let’s get downstairs then.” I turn around and she grabs hold of my arm, pinning me in place. “Wait. Do you think whoever knocked is still outside? We could get in so much trouble.”

I shrug. “I doubt it, and if they are waiting for us, then there’s nothing we can do about it.”

“But what will we say? We should probably rehearse something just in case.”

I spin around to face her and take her face in both hands. “Just follow my lead. Don’t say a word about what happened between us.”

“How will we explain the two of us leaving this room together?”

“We’re not leaving together. I will go first, and then you can leave two minutes after me. That should buy us enough time in between that no one will notice unless they are lingering in the hallway. In that case, we don’t have much choice and have to hope they are too busy working to notice us. Improvise if you get caught, okay? I was never here, and we were not together. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” A smile crosses her lips.

“Good girl,” I say, stroking her jaw with my thumb, before taking a step back. “Two minutes,” I warn and turn around to leave.

As I unlock the door, I take a deep breath and open it a crack. A few doctors and nurses pass by in a hurry, too busy to notice me. Without looking back at Ava, I step into the hallway and power walk to the elevator bank. I let out a sigh of relief that I made it this far without anyone stopping me.

I should cut ties with Ava and make a clean break before one or both of us gets hurt. It’s best for both us, I tell myself, as I ride the elevator to the first floor, trying to remember the speech I had planned for my new interns.

Chapter Fifteen


My cock twitches at the thought of Ava’s delicious mouth and all the things my innocent girl can do with it. After she left my office last night, I had trouble getting her out of my head. We’ve been sneaking around the hospital for three weeks now and lucky enough to have the same shifts. But she’s off tonight, for the first time since the beginning of her residency.

I had insisted Ava take the night for herself, instead of making this place her entire life. Because it will be her life for the next seven years. Except now I miss her like fucking crazy and wish she were here. It has been years since I felt this way about a woman,

long before I became a doctor. The girl who broke my heart and left me after medical school did a number on my heart that even a cardiothoracic surgeon couldn’t fix. I had a broken heart—there’s no better way to describe the void she had left behind.

I never expected Ava to fill it. From the start, she was quirky and weird, but she was also exactly what I had needed. I just didn’t know it until I met her. Some days, I wonder if it’s only about the sex, because I cannot stop myself from getting lost inside Ava. But there is a deeper connection between us that I have felt since the night we met. We just haven’t had a chance to explore that part of our relationship.

I swear it’s as though my dick has been hard since the first time I saw her. I jerked off twice today, and no matter what I do, I cannot get this never-ending erection to go away. As a medical doctor, even I am wondering how this is scientifically possible.

I dial Ava’s number on my cell phone and hold it up to my ear. Ava answers on the first ring, her voice bubbly and full of life. My God, I missed her. I can’t believe I miss her, but I do.

“I need to see you,” I breathe into the speaker.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Romance