Page 18 of The Match

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“Dr. Roberts. Dr. Hart is expecting me.”

She nods and taps a button on the receiver. “Dr. Hart, I have Dr. Roberts here to see you.” They have a conversation that lasts for a few seconds before she says, “Okay, I’ll send her in.”

She hangs up with Sloan and points to the closed door behind her. “He’s ready for you.”

Oh, I’m sure he is.

Walking past her desk and to the door, my hand stills for a second as I grip the knob. I want to puke from the thought of what will happen once I step inside. All of this is unfamiliar territory for me. I have no idea how to act around my new boss.

Treat him as you would any other doctor, I remind myself, but that doesn’t help to shake the nervous energy rushing through my body.

“Now or never,” I whisper and push open the door.

Sloan has his back to me when I enter, which provides me a few seconds of relief, before he spins around and pins me down with one look. His gaze is so intense that I look away from him. But I can feel him watching me, studying every move I make. It’s intimidating but also exciting. At least I can be the first resident from my class to say I had a piece of the sexiest doctor to ever wear scrubs, even though I can’t speak a word of our previous encounter.

Staring around the room, I try to compose myself, as I take in his office. The walls are white with dark gray carpets and furniture to match. The usual diplomas are on the wall behind his desk along with inspirational medical sayings and quotes placed sporadically around the room. Throw pillows with the hospital logo cover most of the two small couches that face each other.

“Dr. Roberts,” he says, staring at me as if I am a piece of meat and he’s ready to sink his teeth into me.

I wish he would right about now. He strips each piece of fabric from my body with his lecherous gaze.

The way Sloan eyes me up makes me feel naked, even in dark blue scrubs.

Sloan points at the leather chair across from his desk. “Sit down. We need to get better acquainted. I feel like I know you already.” He says the last part with a smirk.

Cocky bastard.

I want to run. But I won’t. Not when I’m standing face-to-face with the man who gave me six orgasms before I left his apartment this weekend. If you can even call his place an apartment. It’s more like a mini-mansion inside of a waterfront condominium.

I take a seat across from Sloan, unable to peel my eyes off him. He leans back in his chair and stretches his arms above his head, drawing my attention to how tight the dark blue scrubs fit across his muscular chest. Even under the lab coat, it’s not hard to see that Sloan is in fantastic shape. I touched every part of him. Felt every part of him. My mind wanders to a dark place, full of lust and need. Of all the people to be in charge of my future, it had to be Doc. I should have asked more questions. But I didn’t care. Why would I? I wasn’t planning to see him ever again.

I lick my lips, thinking about his well-defined abs and the thickness of his cock. I pleasured myself more than a few times since I left his apartment, all while thinking of his best asset.

“Are we going to have a problem, Dr. Roberts?” His voice is so deep and smooth that it rumbles in the quiet air.

A beat passes between us before I get up the nerve to respond. “No, I don’t see why we would have a problem,” I choke out.

He sucks me in with one look that goes straight between my thighs, killing me without even touching me. This man oozes sex appeal. His dark hair sweeps over his forehead in waves, not a single hair out of place. He’s so manicured and perfect and my motherfucking mentor.

Why is this happening to me? As if my sex life didn’t suck enough before I met Sloan, this situation is not making it better. What was I thinking? I meant what I told him about random hook-ups not being my thing. But seeing Sloan again changes everything. His position of authority also changes everything.

Sloan leans forward with his hands folded on his desk. “What are the chances, huh?”

Feeling the need to explain myself, I get nervous and mumble. “It’s not like I wanted this to happen.”

He frowns at my words. “This situation is less than ideal for me, too. Imagine my surprise when I saw you. I’m the Residency Program Director for the next three months, and as your teacher, I can’t risk anyone finding out what we did this weekend. Understood?”

“Yes, I completely understand. The only person who will ever know is Stacey, and she won’t tell anyone. So what do we do about us?”

“There is no us.” His voice is so cold and firm that shivers run through me. “You are my employee, and I am your boss. I have rules, and I stick to them for a reason.”

“Sorry,” I mutter. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Well, it means something to me. I live a very controlled life, all with good reason. I’m on track to become Chief of Surgery. I don’t need any distractions or scandals. I know how needy and clingy women can be. I need you to understand that nothing can happen between us ever again. I am an attending. You are my intern. That’s it. That is all we will ever be. Understood?”

I nod, feeling like an asshole for doing anything with this man, let alone all the dirty things I did and allowed him to do to me. Now, I feel as though I need a shower to scrub him from my skin. I also hate myself for wanting him, despite his attitude that makes him less attractive by the second.

“Should I look for another residency? Would that make you happy?” I need to clarify after his speech.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Romance