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Stealing it was more than possible given what I’d seen of her, but that still didn’t explain how she’d learned to use the weapon so well in such a short time. Surely it took far longer than that to become proficient at hitting moving targets from a distance?

So did that mean Larissa hadn’t been at the other end of the rifle, but someone else? Someone who was now letting her take the fall?

I didn’t want you dead—I just wanted you maimed, were her exact words when we were questioning her, right along with, yes, but I wasn’t the one who…. What if that comment hadn’t been about Aron at all? What if she’d meant the attempted murder charge against me? What would she have actually said if I hadn’t cut her off?

If that was the case, was the real shooter on the run, or was he or she still out there, waiting for the right opportunity to take another shot at me?

Trepidation stirred, and I rubbed my arms uneasily. “I don’t suppose you know any of their names?”

“No. But Meika might. I can ask if you’d like?”

I waved the offer away. “I’m sure the rangers will follow it up.” And if they didn’t, I sure as hell would. “I was just asking out of curiosity.”

He hesitated, and then said, “Do you think she’s going to be charged with Aron’s and Marlinda’s deaths?”

“I don’t know, Mike, but she will at least be charged with shooting at me and Ranger O’Connor.”

And even if it turned out she wasn’t the one holding the gun, but rather one of her new friends, she’d still be charged with being an accessory.

He cursed softly and ran a hand through his short, silver-shot black hair. “Maybe some time away will do her good and set her on the right path. Maybe.”

I reached out and squeezed his arm. His regret stirred around me—not so much about the current situation, but rather that he hadn’t been more involved in Larissa’s upbringing.

“Do you need a couple of days off? We can call in a substitute if you want to be with your sister—”

“No.” He grimaced. “It’s not like I can do a real lot now, is it?”

No. And Larissa was an adult; it was way past time for her to take responsibility for her own actions.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, as usual,” he added, and then headed out.

I locked up behind him and then made Belle a cappuccino, and a hot chocolate for myself, complete with lashings of marshmallows. And because I was feeling the need for an extra dose of sugar, I put a couple of slices of the freshly made almond butter chocolate brownies on a plate.

Belle clattered down the stairs as I placed the tray on the table. She’d changed and showered, and was looking rather awesome in a silver dress that hugged her curves in all the right places while emphasizing her sleek, muscular body.

I raised my eyebrows. “I take it you’re going out?”

She slung her coat over the chair, then sat down and put on her shoes. “Zak rang me half an hour ago. He managed to get a couple of tickets for tonight’s opening of the new Phantom of the Opera down in Melbourne.”

Which just happened to be one of Belle’s favorites. “Are you staying overnight?”

She shook her head. “He’s got a maintenance job in the morning. Besides, it’s only an hour and a half drive.” She took a sip of the cappuccino and licked the froth from her lip. “What are you doing?”

I shrugged. “Probably nothing. Aiden’s got the mess at Frankie’s place to deal with, Lance to talk to, and then he’ll probably want to talk to Larissa some more.”

Belle leaned back in her chair, and tapped the table lightly. “You know, something about all this doesn’t feel right.”

“I know.” I reached for a piece of brownie, and bit into its gooey richness. It might not help the brain matter work any better, but it sure as hell made my belly a whole lot happier.

“If Larissa was angry enough at Garrett’s parents to call forth a soul eater from the Ouija session, why has it instead gone after everyone else at the session?”

“It could be as simple as no one at that session having the power to control it, and it’s going after them instead of the intended targets.”

She was shaking her head even as I answered. “If anger called it forth, then that anger should have guided its actions.”

“So why isn’t it going after Aron’s parents?”

“Maybe his parents were never the target. Maybe Larissa is merely the fall guy for something else entirely?”

Tags: Keri Arthur Lizzie Grace Fantasy