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“My mistress awaits,” he said, and waved us forward.

I took a slow, deep breath and then stepped inside; blue light flared to life as I did so, a muted chain of spots that led the way up the circular stairwell.

At the top there was another metal door, but it opened as we approached. The room beyond was filled with shadows despite the bright array of lights that constantly swept across the darkened windows. A black glass table sat in the middle of the room, and there were two plush-looking chairs at the front of this. A third sat behind.

Maelle stepped out of the shadows to our right. I stopped immediately, as did Belle.

“This is indeed a surprise,” she said, her voice a low purr that sent chills down my spine. “I take it you have information?”

“Yes, and you’re not going to like it.”

“In that case, I suggest a drink. Champagne? Or something stronger?”

“Whiskey, on ice, if you have it,” I said.

Maelle raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Belle. “And you, lovely lady?”

“The same, thanks.” Belle glanced at me. Okay, so she’s gay?

Yes, and you’ve obviously tickled her fancy.

She’s not getting anywhere near my fancy, let alone anything else.

I somehow restrained my snort of amusement, and nodded my thanks as Maelle handed us our drinks.

“Please, ladies, sit.” She waved us toward the two chairs at the front of her desk.

“I’d rather stand, thanks,” Belle said.

Maelle raised an eyebrow, her expression amused. “I’m sensing some discomfort coming from your direction.”

“Yes, and I’m sorry, but it’s instinctive.”

“I appreciate your honesty.” Her gaze flicked to me and hardened somewhat. “Now, that news.”

I took a drink, waited for the alcohol to fire up my courage, and then said, “It was Molly who—through her half brother, Jack—summoned the soul eater.”

Maelle didn’t move. She didn’t react. Not in any way. Not for several minutes, at least.

And yet the room was suddenly darker, and she a whole lot more dangerous. Pinpricks of fear scuttled across my skin, and I took another drink. The burning strength of the alcohol eased neither the fear nor the desire to run.

Holy fuck, Belle commented, a tremor in her mental tones. This bitch is even scarier than I’d imagined.

And even more so when you remember she’s undoubtedly controlling her emotions and scare factor right now.

One finger twitched on Maelle’s left hand. Just one finger, but it sent the image of her wrapping a hand around Molly’s neck and squeezing the life out of her, breath by agonized breath, racing through my mind.

“She did this because I fired her.”

It was a statement, not a question, and I nodded. “I believe she thought that if she got rid of some of the others, you’d be inclined to accept her back.”

“I knew she was not overly endowed with intelligence, but I would not have expected such stupidity even from her.” Her gaze rose to mine. The pale gray of her irises had surrendered completely to the white, and it was a god-awful, frightening thing to see. “Have you captured her?”

“Yes, but not Jack or the soul eater.” I hesitated, and then somewhat reluctantly added, “You cannot, in any way, act against her or her brother as yet.”

Belle glanced at me sharply, something I felt rather than saw.

“And I will not, as I have promised, until this matter is well and truly finished.” She paused to take a drink of her champagne. “What of my other feeders? Do I need to worry about them?”

Tags: Keri Arthur Lizzie Grace Fantasy