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"No stopping for midnight snacks along the way?” Michael said, his voice deepening sharply.

"No. I swear..."

Smoke was beginning to curl from the vampire's shoes, and the pungent aroma of roasting meat fouled the night air. Her stomach began to churn. Jasper had smelled that way the day the sun had burned him out of existence. A chill raced across her skin.

"Michael, get off him."

"I'm in control, Nikki.” Though his voice was even, his anger ran sharply through the link. Smoky tendrils had crept up to the young vampire's ankles and were creeping towards his knees.

“That's not what I meant. Get off him, now !"

He glanced at her, then released the vampire's arms and climbed quickly to his feet. She grabbed his arm, pulling him away. The vampire didn't move. Couldn't move. His eyes were wide and glassy, bloody mouth open, as if he were screaming. Water was pooled under his entire body, and the steam was rising from both legs.

She held a hand to her mouth. “It's like he's melting,” she said, swallowing heavily. “Like he's wasting away from the inside."

"I think he is."

Michael clasped her hand, but the warmth of his touch did little to ease the coldness creeping through her. “How is something like that possible? He's a vampire—I thought you guys were impervious to just about everything."

"We normally are, but I think we can safely say this goes beyond the realms of what can be considered normal."

The vampire's body was closing in on itself, collapsing as quickly as a tent. Steam was rising from most of his body, and the stench of burning flesh was thick enough to carve. Though his face was little more than a skeleton, his eyes were alive with horror.

Whoever or whatever was doing this to him hadn't had the decency to take that awareness away. He was little more than a puddle, and yet he could still think. Could still feel. Bile rose in her throat. She wrenched her hand from Michael's and stumbled away, losing behind the nearest car what she'd eaten on the aircraft. He touched her back, holding her gently until the shudders had passed, then offered her a handkerchief.

"You should have stayed in the terminal, like I asked,” he chided softly. She straightened and wiped her mouth. What she needed now was a drink and an explanation, not an I-told-you-so. “Did you honestly expect me to wait?” she muttered. He smiled, a warmth she felt deep inside, and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear. His fingers trailed heat across her chilled skin. “I guess I didn't."

"What just happened? How can someone simply melt away like that?" Though his dark gaze was emotionless, his unease surged briefly down the link between them. “They say the human body is ninety-percent water. I guess melting is not beyond the realms of possibility."

"Obviously, seeing it just happened.” Sarcasm bit through her words. She crossed her arms and glared at him. “But my real question is how ? Melting is not something often attached to the human condition, you know."

He shrugged, studying the empty uniform and puddled water, all that remained of the younger vampire. “I think we're dealing with some form of black magic."

She blinked. “Magic?"

He nodded. “I'll have to talk to Seline, since she's the expert in that field. But it really happened too quickly for it to be anything else."

" Magic?” she repeated dumbly.

He glanced at her, amusement flitting through his eyes. “It's as real as vampires, and just as dangerous." Fear rose, squeezing her throat tight. “Then whoever's behind all this knows we're here. They killed him to stop him talking."

"I doubt it. Even in the terminal, he didn't look well. Whatever happened to him was happening then, I think."

"But why send a vampire—and a sick one at that—to greet guests? That doesn't make any sense."

"And probably won't until we discover exactly what is happening at the resort." She thrust a hand through her hair. “I don't like the feel of this, Michael."

"Then go home."

She snorted softly. “Go home. Keep safe. Is that your answer to everything?"

"It's only sensible. You're out of your league on this one." Yeah, right. And wouldn't sending her home suit him right down to the ground—at least then he wouldn't have to worry about her hanging around upsetting his precious resolves. “And you're not? You've already admitted black magic is not a field you're familiar with. Besides, I made a commitment to find Matthew Kincaid, and I have no intention of going anywhere until I do.” And no intention of going anywhere once she did.

Annoyance stirred around her. She frowned, wondering why the link surged to life only when his emotions got the better of his control.

"Matthew may not even be at the resort,” he said steadily.

"Then I'll use his watch to discover his exact position and rescue him.” She raised an eyebrow. “You're not going to get rid of me that easily, you know."

Tags: Keri Arthur Nikki & Michael Paranormal