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"Some club." He shrugged.

Meinhardt's, I thought, remembering what Anna had said about Martin Shore's last conquest. Only Amy wouldn't have been old enough to get into a strip joint like that. So somewhere along the line, club security and/or its owners were involved in these cases. "And she did what she was supposed to?"

"Yeah. No problems."

Except that she never got to spend her earnings, because her life had been ripped apart by the living dead. "So where did Amy meet the woman who gave her the job?"

"At the social security office. Amy was waiting to hand in her form so she could get rent assistance, and the woman just started talking to her." He shrugged. "It went from there, I suppose."

"Did she ever mention what the woman looked like?"

"No." He hesitated. "She did get one of the woman's business cards, though. It was black, with a really cool picture of a staked heart on it."

The same card that Joe had given me. Surprise, surprise. "What happened to it?"

"Amy probably kept it in her purse. Don't know where that is."

Meaning the zombie or the sorcerer had probably removed it after the kill, because otherwise Cole would have mentioned it. "There's nothing else you can remember that might help with our investigation?"

"Don't think so." He hesitated. "Are you going to catch whoever did this?"

"We certainly plan to."

"Good." He hesitated again. "Kick him for me. The bastard deserves that. And make sure some sappy lawyer doesn't get him off easy."

"Oh, trust me, the person behind these murders won't get off easy." Mainly because he or she would be dead. I hesitated then asked, "Tell me, do you know anyone by the name of Kye Murphy?"

"Dad's friend? Sure. Why? He in trouble?"

So the bastard was telling the truth. Amazing. "No, I was just checking. Thanks for your help, Josh."

He nodded and slammed the door shut. The windows twitched as I walked away, and a freckled face watched me climb into the car.

The next stop should have been the safe house so I could show Joe the picture of the two women and check whether one was his blonde, but with the business cards all but confirmed as trackers, that wasn't the wisest move. The magic might have faded, but that didn't mean the witch couldn't still track us through it. I hoped the magi had come up with something to counter it-and had already given it to Joe.

I traveled back to the Directorate then headed for my desk and checked out the searches. Both of them were still ongoing.

I blew out a breath in frustration, then glanced up as Jack came into the room.

He didn't look happy. "You'd better get over to the safe house straight away."

Alarm ran through me and I stood up quickly. "What's happened?"

"Another zombie has been raised, and the safe house holding your street kid has been attacked."

Chapter Seven

"How long ago was this?" I asked, grabbing my old leather jacket from the back of the chair. Though it was actually Rhoan's old leather jacket, I'd recently liberated it.

"Five minutes, if that."

"What happened to Joe and the guardian minding him?"

"We don't know." His expression was grim. "Jacques isn't answering, nor is he picking up the phone."

"Then how do you know about the attack?" I grabbed my car keys and purse and headed for the door as I spoke.

"Because unlike some guardians, Jacques has his com-unit on during all working hours. He managed a quick report before things went silent." Jack stepped to one side to let me through the door, then fell in step beside me as I walked toward the elevators. "Two zombies apparently crashed through the front door. Jacques killed one, but then everything went silent."

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy