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Her voice was back to its unpleasant best. Jack had obviously left.

"Did the forensic team checking the rooftop come back with anything?"

"The bullet casings indicated a high-powered rifle. There were no prints on either the casings or at the site. They suspect a professional hit."

"Which doesn't make any sense, because I haven't pissed anyone off lately."

"As I said before, I find that very hard to believe."

I ignored the jibe, but mainly because I couldn't think of a good retort. "Did you manage to do the background check on Mirror Image?"

"Yes, There's nothing untoward. It was legitimately set up, and has been running without problems for six months. There have been no complaints at all."

Which in itself was more than a little unusual. Hell, most clubs got complaints, whether they deserved them or not. "No rumors or reports that suggest something less than savory happening there?"

"Nothing at all Why?"

"Because I suspect there's a blackmail scam being run out of the club. Who's the registered owner?"

"Owners," she corrected. "Jorn and Yohan Duerr. They're twin brothers who apparently settled here from England two years ago."

They are what the club is, Dia had said. Meaning they were not only twins, but also mirror images of each other.

"Were they English born?"

"No. German. They went to England when they were twenty."

"Any chance of doing a history check in both countries?"

"If there were any convictions, they wouldn't have been allowed into the country."

"Yeah, but a lack of convictions doesn't mean they weren't involved in anything nefarious."

"Is there any particular reason we're digging this deep?"

"I've just got a feeling about them."

"You and your damn feelings cause us more work than anyone else." She sniffed. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks." I hit the brake as the light ahead changed to red. "What about bank accounts - any unusual activity in any of those?"

"I didn't go that deep."

"Could you?"


"Can you send the info as soon as you get it?"

"I'll try."

"You're such a sweetheart."

"Swivel on it, wolf girl."

"Oh, I intend to."

She made a growling noise and hung up. I grinned and tossed the phone on the seat beside me. The light flashed back to green and I zoomed off.

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy