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"So I'll disarm the bodyguard before I beat the crap out of Patrin."

"Good." I drained the rest of my coffee in several scalding gulps then dumped the mug into the sink. "Be sure to let me know when it happens. I'd like to watch."

"I heard that about you."

I slapped his arm as I walked out. His laughter followed me into the bathroom. By the time I'd showered and dressed, he'd gone. I scooped up my keys, wallet, and ID, but left my gun tucked safely in the security box. Jack would have a pink fit if he realized I didn't actually carry, but I hated the feel of them on my body. Hated the weight of them, however slight that might be.

Once back at the Directorate, I plonked down on my chair and began typing up the report of last night's events. Technically, I could have handed it over to the liaisons, but Salliane was down there. And as much as I loved teasing the cow, I just wasn't in the mood for any of it right now.

With that done, I picked up the files I'd printed out yesterday and began reading through them. Wading through files of death and destruction was never an easy thing, and some of these murders were so gruesome - so cold - they made my heart ache.

In the end, I found three possibilities. I went back into the database and requested complete details on all three, then logged off the computer and got the hell out of there.

It was just after one when I arrived at Mirror Image. In daylight, the place really did look like a massive factory, the unadorned concrete walls reaching toward an inhospitable sky. There had to be at least two hundred cars sitting in the parking lot. This place was certainly pulling in the customers.

The heady smell of sex and lust stirred the air as I grabbed my pass and headed in, and my pulse quickened. I might have had an amazing night of sex, but the wolf within was always ready for more.

The bouncer, a big white wolf, gave me a wicked smile of greeting as I handed him the card. He swiped it through the reader, then handed it back. "You've access to all areas. The boss upgraded it this morning."

I raised my eyebrows. "And why would he do that?"

He shrugged. "The boss likes pretty girls." He paused, his gaze running down my body suggestively. "And you are certainly that."

Despite it being an obvious line, I smiled. Hey, a woman has to take compliments when she can get them. "And is your boss around?"

"No, he was called away on some emergency business." He shrugged again. "They don't tell the plebs anything."

The wryness in his tone made my smile widen. There was something almost cunning in this big wolf's eyes, something that suggested he didn't actually miss much at all. And that could come in very handy.

"Do the plebs get lunch breaks?"

The interest in his eyes flared deeper. "They do. In half an hour."

I touched his arm lightly, leaning forward conspiratorially, in the process giving him a nice view of my breasts. There was nothing in my agreement with Kellen that excluded flirting. "And are they allowed to... talk... to the customers? Accept a drink or two?"

"They certainly can talk." Amusement teased his lips as his gaze flicked down then up. "And as long as the drink is nonalcoholic, that will be fine."

I ran my fingertips lightly down to his hand. "I might see you inside, then."

"I think you just might."

I walked away, feeling his gaze on my butt as I headed in. And I have to say, I worked it. Nothing like the interest of a man to make the wolf flirt outrageously.

The main room was hot, suggesting the air-conditioning still wasn't working properly. There weren't as many people pressed onto the dance floor this afternoon, but most of the booths were full. I flared my nostrils, sucking in the scents, allowing the lust and the scent of sex to flood through my body. My pulse, already racing, stepped up another level.

It was a shame I couldn't actually do anything, thanks to the promise I'd made to Kellen. This might be a scouting trip, but if I had sex here, it would be because I wanted to, not because I had to. And that wasn't in the spirit of our agreement.

I walked down the steps and did a circuit of the room, then stopped and got a drink from the almost empty bar. "So," I said, showing my pass as the bartender slid a beer across the counter. "Where's a girl to find some real action in this joint?"

"The Executive Room? That'll be the doors to the left of the bar, ma'am." He pointed out the silvery doors wrapped in shadows. "Just slide your pass through the slot. The Executive is on the left."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning interest when I already knew the answer thanks to Jodie. "So what's the room on the right?"

"It's for guests of the owners, and by invitation only."

"Thanks." I collected my beer and headed for the doors.

I swiped the card through the appropriate slot. The little red light flashed for several seconds, then flicked to green. The door clicked, then opened, revealing a short, shadowed corridor. Better and better.

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy