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"Meaning this is part of an ongoing investigation that I was forcibly placed upon." I hesitated, not wanting to tell him too much. "They kidnapped Rhoan a few months ago, and that got me involved."

"Then you'll understand when I say this is personal."

I did understand. I just didn't think Jack would. But then again, he'd let Quinn in, and he'd all but roped Liander in. He might surprise again. After all, he was trying to build a new daytime unit - one that he wanted me to play a serious part in.

One that I had no intention of being hijacked into unless there was absolutely no other choice.

And that was looking more and more likely.

I rubbed a hand across my eyes and said, "Let's just concentrate on one problem at a time."

"Agreed. What hotel are we looking for?"

"A place called Blue Haven in Leura." I unwound the shirt and put it back on. "Let's hope we find the town before the owners of this car discover it's been nicked."

"Let's hope we find it before our hunters find us," he corrected grimly.

His words had me looking out the window, up at the skies. I couldn't see any soaring shapes, but that didn't mean they weren't there. Didn't mean we weren't being followed.

We drove on in silence. When we finally reached Leura, Kade slowed to a respectable speed and the old car stopped shaking. We drove along pretty, tree-lined main street, and I couldn't help admiring all the quaint but beautiful buildings. It reminded me somewhat of a postcard, and made me regret meeting here. A place like this didn't deserve an encounter with the sort of darkness that was following us.

I frowned at the thought, and pushed it away. We drove on, eventually finding the cabin resort on the far side of town.

A black van with tinted windows was parked down the end. I pointed toward it, and Kade drove up and parked beside it. We'd barely stopped the engine when the door of the cabin in front of us thrust open and Rhoan spilled out, red hair gleaming like fire in the sunlight.

Grinning like an idiot, my vision blurred with tears, I somehow climbed out of the car and fell into my brother's arms.

"God," he said, his voice as hoarse as his hug was fierce. "I'd thought I'd lost you."

Tears crept down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

He laughed softly. "Try it again, and I'm going to chain you up and never let you out of the apartment."

Kade came up behind us. I kissed Rhoan's cheek then pulled away. "Rhoan, meet Kade. I wouldn't have escaped if Kade hadn't helped me."

"A situation that was mutual," Kade said dryly, and offered Rhoan his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

Rhoan gave me a look that said, "bitch," and shook Kade's hand. "Thank you for keeping her safe."

Kade laughed, a warm, rich sound. "Another situation that was entirely mutual. Your pack-mate is an amazing woman."

"Isn't she just." He threw an arm around my shoulder. "Let's get inside before any patrolling bugaboos spot us."

Rhoan motioned Kade forward, but his grip on my shoulder tightened a little, holding me back. "There's something I need to tell - "

I didn't hear the rest of his words. Didn't need to.

Because a second figure had moved into the doorway.

It wasn't Jack.

It was Quinn.

My heart did an odd little flip-flop, and for several seconds all I could do was stare. He hadn't changed any - though given it had only been a month or so since I'd last seen him, that was hardly surprising.

But oh, he looked good.

His body was athletic, lean but powerful. His burgundy sweater emphasized the width of his shoulders, while the tight fit of his jeans drew the eye to the long, strong length of his legs His hair was night dark, longer now than it had been when I'd last seen him, and so thick, so lush It was also unkempt, as if he'd thrust his hands through it many times Those hands were currently in his pockets, and looked clenched His skin was not the white of most vampires, but a soft, warm gold, simply because unlike most vampires, he could actually stand a lot of sunlight. His face.

Tags: Keri Arthur Riley Jenson Guardian Fantasy