Page 54 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)

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“I have another half hour before I can leave. Do you mind waiting?”

He shakes his head, and a dark strand of hair falls in front of his bright green eyes. My heart claws at my chest. He’s beautiful, absolute perfection, and all mine.

“Of course not,” he says. “For you, I have all the time in the world.”

The corners of my mouth turn up into a wicked grin. “Stop trying to flatter me.”

“Flattery will go far tonight.” He laughs. “That was Will’s fortune the night we went to Scores. He opened a cookie at Chinese Garden right before we met you and Clarke.”

“I see.” I unhook my fingers from his when Connor and his friend strut down the center aisle toward us. “Try to behave yourself,” I say under my breath. “That’s my boss.”

He glances up from my face. His eyes narrow as he looks at Connor and the man next to him. They stop in front of us. Connor smiles. His friend flexes his jaw.

Connor studies Ethan’s face and recognition sparks in his eyes. “I know you. Waters, right? I haven’t seen you in a long time. What’s it been? Like ten years.”

Ethan shoves his hands into his jeans pockets, his body growing rigid. “Yeah,” Ethan replies after a long pause.

Do they know each other?

Connor’s gaze travels between Ethan and me. “You two together?”

I nod. “Ethan’s picking me up.”

Connor smirks. “I didn’t know you were down with that.” His words confuse me. “How much are you looking to cop?”

I narrow my eyes at Connor, confused by his unusual question until I realize he’s asking me if I want to buy drugs.

What the fuck?

“We’re not,” Ethan says before I can answer.

The dark-haired man adjusts the black duffel Connor brought back with him earlier over his shoulder and excuses himself. He slips out the door, and Ethan and I stand awkwardly in front of Connor.

Connor peeks up at the clock on the wall behind the counter. “You can leave early. I’ll close up tonight.”

I flash a closed-mouth smile at Connor and reach behind the counter for my purse. “Thanks. Have a good night.”

“You, too.” Connor stretches his hand out for Ethan to shake. “Waters, you know where I am. Come see me. Anytime.”

Ethan leads me outside with his hand on my back, his nervous energy shaking through me.

I live a few blocks from the record store. We make a left toward my apartment without speaking. Where do I begin? I have so many questions.

“Are you hungry?” Ethan asks, ending the silence between us.

“No, Connor ordered pizza. Are you?”

He shakes his head. “The only thing I’m hungry for is your pussy.”

I smile, but it quickly fades. “What was all that about, E? How do you know Connor? Why did he think you would want to buy drugs?”

He looks down at his feet, his gaze moving upward when a man in a Flyers T-shirt says to his friend, “I think that’s Ethan Waters.”

Ethan acknowledges them with a feigned s

mile and a nod. The boys don’t stop us. We keep moving down Market Street. Ethan has a strained expression on his face that gives me the chills, his disposition so cold and gloomy I can’t stop wondering what happened back at the store.

“Answer me, E.” My tone catches his attention. “How do you know Connor?”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance