Page 17 of Ethan (Face-Off 5)

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At first, she’s apprehensive, but she follows my order. Good girl.

“Mmm…” Mia licks the remaining specks of sauce from her lips. “This is amazing.”

She draws my attention to her mouth, her tongue, and her luscious lips. I start thinking about how good her lips will feel like wrapped around my cock and have to stop myself from getting a boner in her kitchen. With Will in the shower and only ten feet away from us, I have to keep my head in the game.

Mia leans forward with her eyes fixed on me. “So, what are you making me?”

“Spaghetti, veal parm, and fresh garlic bread.”

She grins so wide her teeth are showing. My expression mirrors her, my cheeks hurting from how much I’m smiling.

“Ethan Waters made me dinner. I’ve never had a man make a meal for me.”

“Don’t read too much into it.”

“Still, this has to be a big deal for you. Clarke will flip out when I tell her about this. I think she has a crush on you.”

“Most women do,” I deadpan.

She laughs and points a finger at her chest. “Not this one.”

I drop the spoon on the stove and step in front of her, pulling her thighs apart with both hands so I can move between them. Sliding my hands up her legs, I take my time, careful not to take things too far. Leaning forward, I move my palms to the counter on both sides of Mia and laugh on the inside when she sucks in a deep breath. She holds it and waits for what feels like a minute before she exhales.

Even beneath her sweater, I can see her nipples harden, the tiny buds poking through the thin fabric. If I had to guess, her panties are wet right now. She’s close to panting when I move close enough to kiss her. I consider making a move until the bathroom door opens and hits the wall with a loud thud.

Will pads down the hall and closes the spare bedroom door behind him. Thankfully, he didn’t catch us. I was so close to following through on what I left unfinished years ago.

I want her.

I need her.

But I can’t have her.

I bend down and whisper in her ear, my breath on her skin causing her body to tense. “You were saying, princess?”

We engage in a staring contest, my dick getting harder as she brushes her fingers down my arm. She rolls her tongue over her bottom lip so slowly I can’t stop myself from mimicking her movements.

“I think your sauce is burning.” Mia tilts her head to the saucepan that’s bubbling over.

“Shit.” I grab the wooden spoon from the cooktop and stir the sauce until it simmers down. “You’re too distracting,” I confess as I remove the sauce from the hot burners. “Can you do me a favor and set the table? It’s time to eat.”

Mia hops off the counter and bumps into the spoon in my hand, splashing sauce down the front of my shirt. She grips the fabric in her hands and eyes the fresh stains with her mouth wide open. “I’m so sorry, E.” She wets a dishtowel and dabs at the spots. “Let me fix it. I can get this out for you. Take your shirt off.”

“You know there are other ways to get me naked,” I whisper.

Mia peeks up at me, unable to speak.

Will startles both of us when he enters the kitchen and pulls out a chair at the table. “Is it time to eat or what?”

“Almost.” I begin to unbutton my shirt, and for some unknown reason, Mia attempts to help me. Our fingers collide at the same time, her touch sending a prick of electricity along my skin.

What is she doing? Will is right here.

Will glances down at the cell phone in his hand and laughs. “Hurry up, Chef Boyardee. I’m fucking starving.”

I ignore Will’s comment, thankful he’s too preoccupied to notice me flirting with Mia. He was pissed when I touched her knee earlier. I knew I crossed the line, though when I’m around Mia, it feels natural.

Since I moved in with Will, I’ve done all the cooking. He does the cleaning, though he’s shitty at it and usually pays someone when I’m not around. Our arrangement works for us, but living together with Mia is another story. I have no idea what roles we’re supposed to play. Mia has made it perfectly clear she wants me out of her apartment and her life, but her body says otherwise.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance