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“I can’t,” she mutters. “I shouldn’t…”

I add another finger, pushing further as her juices coat my skin. “Then make me stop.”

All I get is a loud groan in response. Sydney tilts her head back while holding onto a chunk of my hair.

“You don’t want me to stop. It feels good. I know it does. You’re a dirty little girl, and you like it when I finger your pussy. Don’t you?”

“Uh-huh,” she whispers. “Don’t stop, Carter.”

Then, my cell phone rings. I already know by the ringtone that it’s Jenny, my sister, calling on the other end of the line, which takes my head out of the game. I had plans for Sydney. Unfortunately for her, getting her wet and withholding her orgasm was all part of my revenge plot. I can tell she’s close, so fucking close that I’m not sure if she’ll ever talk to me again after I do this, but at least it will be worth it.

My phone keeps ringing, annoying the shit out of me. We need to stop. I need a break to check in on my sister. So, I withdraw my fingers from Sydney and bring them up to my mouth to get a taste.

Sydney’s eyes open as wide as her mouth does. She’s panting and out of breath. “Wh—what are you doing?”

“I have to get going.” I lie, because I need to call my sister back, and I don’t need an audience when I do it. “I have a training session in the morning at Tyler’s house. Need to get my rest.”

I laugh on the inside, all while keeping a straight face. If Sydney wants to play games with me, I’ll show her how much it sucks to have someone fuck with your orgasms. “We should pick up where we left off another night. Maybe on Thursday.”

She’s still staring at me in shock, unsure of what to say next. This must be a first for her. Two can play this game. Seeing the Queen knocked down a peg, vulnerable and irritated, gives me more satisfaction than if she were to whip out my cock and suck it. As much as I’d love to have those full lips wrapped around me right now, I’d rather go home and jerk off again than let her win.

Leaving Sydney with a taste of her own medicine makes my sad, lonely night with my hand worth it. I still have thoughts of her tight, wet pussy to get me through until I can have the real thing. At least now, I know how she feels and tastes instead of imagining it. Eventually, one of us has to give in, and since she started it first, I will wait her out. Or at least I will try.

As soon as I get in my car, I remove my cell phone from my pocket. I already have four text messages in addition to Jenny’s voicemail. Holding my breath, I open the messages, all of which read Call me back or It’s important.

Everything is important when it comes to Jenny. She’s my older sister, the woman who raised me, and the closest I have to a decent female role model in my life. My mother passed away when I was nine, leaving me with a drunken asshole of a father and Jenny. She had just started high school when a fatal car crash had killed my mother.

After all these years, I still have trouble remembering my mom. It’s been so long since the last time I saw her face or heard her voice that the only reminder I have of her anymore are pictures. And they’re all filled with lies. In some ways, my mother was the lucky one. She got away from my dad, escaped from all the pain and abuse. My father never survived the tragedy, blamed us for everything that had happened. As if my sister and I had anything to do with our mother’s death. We were strangers in our own house, treated as if we didn’t belong.

Dear old dad was the Sheriff in the small town where I grew up. He could get away with murder. Instead, he abused his seat of power and took every bit of his rage out on his family. I was surprised how shaken up he was about my mother, especially since he was almost as bad to her as he was to my sister and me.

Called to the scene of the accident, my father had to watch as the firefighters pulled my mother from what was left of her car. She was already gone at that point. And he was never the same man. I can’t say I blame him for how he acted afterward. I doubt I would have survived something so tragic.

But I do blame him for all the beatings and the torment. I blame him for all the darkness that had come into our lives. Jenny always reminds me that our mother was like a ray of sunshine. She was the light to my father’s darkness. If only someone would shine a light on mine.

With shaky hands, I hit Jenny’s number on my screen and hold the phone up to my ear. The phone rings a few times before she finally picks up.

“Hey, baby bro,” she says in a singsong tone. “Where have you been? Did you get my messages?”

“Jenny, you only called ten minutes ago.” Annoyed with her attitude, I suck in a deep breath and blow it out. “I have a life. I was in the middle of something when you called.”

“You know I worry about you, Carter.” She worries way too much about me. Ever since our mother died, she watches over me, as if she’s my guardian angel. “Is everything okay? How’s hockey going for you?”

“Horrible,” I confess, still ashamed by my performance at practice today. “My game is off, and I have no idea why I’m so…unfocused. I don’t know how to fix it. If I could just pinpoint where I went wrong, start all over, maybe I could figure things out. Tyler’s been helping me, but nothing has worked for me.”

“Well, snap out of it and get your focus back.” Her tone is so intense and severe. When Jenny is in a room, her presence demands attention. She can command mine without even being nearby. “I’m coming to see you. I can help you.”

She’s always been so strong, and I admire that about her. Jenny is the reason I go after strong women like Sydney. I grew up with Jenny bossing me around, reminding me to get to practice on time and what foods to eat to stay in shape. If anyone has been my coach, it’s Jenny. It’s also the reason I don’t mind Sydney and her game.

I laugh a little too loud, and that earns me a snide remark. “Hey, don’t make me come down there and kick your ass, baby bro.”

I smile at her words. “I’m not a baby, and I’d like to see you try.”

“Yeah,” she says, playful, “but I would kill myself trying. I’m serious about coming down to see you. It’s been three months, if not longer, since the last time we saw each other.”

“Jenny, I have to figure this out on my own. You can’t hold my hand through life.”

“Yes, I can, and I will.” Her irritation is evident in her tone. “I have been here through all the good times and the bad, Carter. I don’t care if I have to get into a pair of skates and stand next to the net with you, but I am going to get you back to normal. Whatever is bothering you, we will figure it out together.”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance