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Flipping through a magazine on my couch, I wait for Carter to knock on the door. He’s twenty minutes early again, same as last time. I didn’t even have a chance to hop in the shower before he said he was almost here.

Part of me wants to take him into my bedroom and have my way with him. The other part of me, the side that likes experimenting with the opposite sex for research purposes, tells me I should make him wait a little while longer. After all, our relationship could make for good writing material for my next book.

As the author of all things smutty and over-the-top, I draw a lot of my inspiration from experiences. Carter just doesn’t know that yet. Poor guy. Kennedy and I did the same thing with Tyler Kane when they had first met. He fell for that shit hook, line, and sinker. Now, the two of them are living together and practically married. There’s a method to my madness.

I fix my dark curls in the mirror on the wall next to the door and double check my makeup before opening it. Drool just about runs down my chin as I take in the sight of Carter. He’s one sexy hunk of man candy. With those big, strong arms that are more suited for boxing than hockey, I want him to grip me up in them and do bad things to me.

Carter smiles so wide it reaches up to his soulful brown eyes. “Hey, baby.”

“Don’t hey, baby, me,” I shoot back, feigning interest. But this is all part of the game.

He leans in to kiss my cheek, because I promised him one kiss, his fingers grazing my bare shoulder as he touches me, fiddling with the strap of my tank top. “You look beautiful, as always, Sydney.”

My willpower almost crumbles with his lips sending shockwaves down my spine. His big hand is dangerously close to my breast as he slides it the rest of the way down my arm. If he were a character in one of my books, I would say the hell with self-control and throw myself at him, allow myself to become consumed in his manly scent and intoxicating sex appeal.

“Thanks, big guy.” I tug on his forearm in an attempt to pull him into the apartment. He’s so big I can hardly move him an inch.

After Carter shuts the door, he surprises me by shoving me up against the wall. I do my best to get away from him, but he makes it difficult with his size. Carter is used to defending the net when he’s on the ice. He sure as hell proves that right now as he blocks my entire view of the living room with his body.

Bending down to my height, he breathes against my neck and ignites a fire beneath my skin. Heat rushes from my cheeks to my toes as he presses his lips to my neck. I move my head to the side to give him better access, my inhibitions lowering along with my guard. The walls I have built up to protect myself come crumbling down in an instant.

My panties are damp. No, more like they are soaking wet. Each kiss Carter plants from my neck to my shoulder is more painful than I can bear. We can’t do this. Giving in to Carter before we even have our first date was not part of my plan.

Plus, his beard…There’s nothing rough scratching my skin as he continues to make his way to my breasts. And I want the full Carter Donovan experience. I will wait for the man with the hot as puck facial hair just so I can get a taste of what it feels like against my pussy.

In a tight, low-cut tank, my girls are out on display and Carter is about to dive head first into them. Before he can make a crash landing into my cleavage, I grip a chunk of his hair in my hand, so his gaze meets mine. His eyes are intense, the passion behind them so fucking sexy I want to rip the fitted shirt from him.

“You like it rough, baby? Is that what you want?”

As much as I want to say, Fuck me up against this wall like one of your puck bunnies, I don’t want him to treat me like one of them either. Carter has earned a reputation as a ladies man over the years, and I have an image to protect. I cannot get sucked into a scandal. Though I can’t help but wonder if one involving Carter would help sell more books. Or at the very least, it may even give me new things to write.

“No, Carter. I would like you to stop touching me.”

I am the biggest liar on the planet. One minute of heavy petting with Carter and I already have to make up an excuse so I can go into my bedroom to change my underwear. My juices are threatening to spill down my leg any second. In a short, tight skirt, I’d rather keep this bit of information to myself.

Slipping from his grasp, I slide my back against the wall to get away from him. We need to put some distance between us before I rip my shirt off like the Hulk and leap into his arms, begging him to fuck me.

“Did I do something wrong?” His tone is defensive.

I shake my head, doing my best to maintain some distance between us. “No, you didn’t do anything. It’s not you, it’s me.”

He narrows his eyes at me, confusion scrolling across his handsome face. “Don’t use that line on me.”

“Don’t get your boxers all twisted up in a bunch. Good things come to those who wait. I promise you that I will make it worth every second.”

Carter lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Whatever. You’re driving me fucking crazy, woman.”

“You made a promise. Remember?” I stroke his chin with my fingers to make sure I have his attention. And I do. “You said you would tell me more about your tattoos. I want to know something personal about you. We can start with something small.”

“That’s not something small,” he says, irritated. What I wouldn’t give for Carter to go back to the sex-crazed animal he was two seconds ago. “You have no idea what you’re even asking me.” Gripping my ass in his hands, Carter picks me up and slams my back against the wall, this time more forceful than before. “If you want me to tell you more, I expect the same from you in return. No more fucking around.”

I’m debating whether I should give into his request. “Fine,” I say and pull the shirt over my head. His eyes fall to my red lace bra. As he licks his lips, I take his hands and cup my breasts with them. “Is this what you want, big guy?”

He nods. “Yes, this is a good start.”

I take his left wrist in my hand and kiss the dark tattoo in black script writing that says, Lux in tenebris. “What does this one mean? I want to know more. Tell me all your secrets, Carter. You give, I give. It’s a win-win.”

He frowns, lowering his head to the ground. “I told you before. It means light in the darkness.”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Romance