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“But you said my name,” Tucker says to Jemma. “So, I thought…” his voice trails off, still confused.

Jemma covers her face with both hands and sighs. “I can’t believe this is happening right now. Which one of you was I suppose to meet here today?”

I cup her shoulder and give it a good squeeze. “Me.”

She peels her hands from her face, her eyes now puffy. Even though I can see she’s fighting it, a few errant tears have spilled down her cheeks. “I thought he was you.”

“But you said my name,” Tucker says again. “So, what the fuck is going on? Did you give Jemma my name?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I thought she already knew mine.”

“Because you’re so popular you thought we didn’t need a formal introduction,” she snaps.

I roll my shoulders. “You seemed like you knew me when we met in the cafeteria.”

Her teeth clench. “Which one of you did I meet in the Quad?”

Tucker raises his hand. “That would be me.”

“Which is why I thought your name was Tucker and never thought to ask,” she says to me. “So, you and I met in the cafeteria. Was that the first time?”

I nod. “But you had already met Tuck?”

“Yes. I think so. God, I’m so confused.”

“Hey, Jemma,” Tucker says, “I had no idea. I thought you wanted to, you know.”

Furious, I shoot him a pointed look, and his gaze lowers.

Is there nothing we don’t share? Couldn’t I have Jemma all to myself without him getting in the way? But how can I be angry with him? None of us knew what was happening until it was too late. And we’re used to switching places with each other. It’s so natural for us to pretend. That’s what we do. It’s what we’ve always done.

“I’m sorry,” Tucker adds. “I wouldn’t have followed you into that classroom if I’d known you thought I was Trent.”

I’m not sure I believe him. Tucker never turns down sex. And he’d be an idiot to turn away Jemma.

She peeks up and stares at him for a few seconds, before her eyes are back on me. “I have to go,” she whispers, pushing past me.

“Now, you know,” I tell Tucker. “So, stay the fuck away from her.”

His top lip raises into what I think is going to be a smirk, and instead, I get something close to a snarl. Is he mad at me? He’s the one who stole my girl.

“Has it occurred to you that maybe I like her, too?”

Instead of finishing our discussion, I hop down the next landing to run after Jemma, who is power walking toward the SAC. “Jem, wait up.”

She doesn’t turn around, and I can’t say I blame her for ignoring me. “C’mon, baby, talk to me for a second. I had no idea you knew Tucker. This is all a misunderstanding.”

Jemma turns around, her eyes filled with tears. “You have no idea how I feel right now. I had sex with you and don’t even know your name.”


“Okay, Trent, well when we were together this weekend, I thought your name was Tucker. And I thought Tucker was you when I had sex with him, too. You can’t even begin to understand how confused and upset I am right now. Before I was with you, I was only ever with one other man. I don’t go around throwing myself at guys. I’m not that girl. That might be what you and Tucker are used to, but I’m not like that. I thought we had a connection, and I liked you. But now, I have no idea which of you I even like. I’m so confused…”

Tucker comes up to my side, his hands shoved in his pockets. “I meant what I said about the kissing booth. I came there looking for you, but it was too late.”

“I kissed you?” Jemma points at me.

“Yeah, you kissed me.”

“But she thought you were me,” Tucker says as if we need a reminder.

Fucking dick is trying to steal my girl. But was she not mine to take in the first place? I have no idea.

Jemma sucks in a deep breath and lets it out, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I can’t do this right now. With either of you. I have to go.”

We follow her down to the SAC, neither of speaking to each other. But Drake’s deep voice cuts through the silence between us, further adding to the tension.

“You guys beat us here. For once,” Drake says, smacking Tucker on the back.

Jamie is with him, now staring at Jemma. He notes the tears in her eyes with an odd expression on his face. “What’s going on over here?”

I shake my head at Jamie, telling him to quit his interrogation. He can tell by our silence and Jemma’s tears that she just found out we are twins. This isn’t the first time. Our friends know the drill.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings Romance