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He’d heard through the lines that his family was having a few difficulties. At first, he hadn’t believed it, but now, looking back, he couldn’t help but wonder if the rumors were in fact true. It wouldn’t surprise him, not really.

William glared at him, but rather than dispute him, his brother turned around and left.

Good riddance, but he had a feeling his parents were going to start making his life a little more difficult.

Chapter Four

“You hate it,” Jared said.

Meredith chuckled. “I don’t hate it. It’s very … you.”

He pressed a hand to his heart. “You hurt me. I promise, whatever you think, it’s all lies.”

“You’re not an eligible bachelor?”

He pursed his lips. “I guess you do know a lot about me.”

“I have to know. Why pick me?” she asked. “I guessed with the hand-tailored suit, the watch, and the entire package.” She held her hand out toward him and moved up and down the length of his body. “You’re wealthy. Don’t you have tons of heiresses waiting to sweep you off your feet?”

Jared sighed and took her coat from her. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? And I guess, in a way, I do, but the truth is I’m not interested in extending my businesses that way. I want to have a family that I love.”

She tucked some hair behind her ear as he put her coat on the hanger, then removed his own. He’d put his briefcase down. Even though she’d asked him to collect her an hour later than planned, she hadn’t finished checking through her delivery of stock, and it was now closer to ten. Jared had helped her, though. He’d rolled up his sleeves and dived in as if he knew and understood fabric and everything it took to run a shop.

“You want a family?” she asked.

“I do. I’m a little old-fashioned.”

She frowned. “We’re having a baby by mutual agreement. How can that be, you know, old-fashioned? The old-fashioned way is getting married and having kids. Not that I want marriage or anything.”

“You never thought about settling down?” He took her hand, leading her into the kitchen. Again, his entire apartment was expensive with all state-of-the-art equipment, it just didn’t have that personal touch. Clearly, he lived here, but he hadn’t settled down or put his mark on the place. “Having the whole package?”

“I have. It’s why at thirty-five, I’ve decided to just have a family myself, you know? Speaking of which, we do need to work out these details. I’m a little confused by what you want.”

“To have a child together,” he said.

“I know, but earlier you mentioned me moving in with you. That’s a big leap from us both just sharing a baby, to living together. A giant one. Huge.”

He pulled out a chair. “Did anyone tell you that you worry too much?”

“Yeah, everyone who tried to talk me out of setting up my business.”

“They did?”

“Yes, they told me I worry too much to own a business, that I should just settle for working for someone else. As you can see, I totally paid attention to their advice.”

“Some people are just so rude, but then, my family is the same.”

He went to the fridge, and she was fascinated when he pulled out some milk and began to add it to a saucepan.

“The same family with all those brothers and sisters.”

“Exactly. I want to be frank with you, Meredith, I’m … wealthy. I own one of the biggest businesses in the country. I rival my family’s company, and I do it all by believing in the future but with the concept that family is important.”

She glanced down at the table. “I checked you out on the internet. I kind of recognized the Peltzer name, but I didn’t think you could be one of them, or the one that broke away from his family.”

“I am.”

She pressed her lips together. “I guess I’m waiting for the joke. The reality television.”

“If you did your searching right, you’d know I’m not the kind of person to flaunt my position. I don’t do social media. My private life is exactly that, private.”

“I also noticed the models and actresses you like to take out on dates.”

“But not anymore. Believe me, Meredith, I want this baby so badly.”

She kept on watching him as he pulled out a piece of chocolate. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making you that hot chocolate you weren’t able to get me.” He winked at her.

She thought about what they’d done on her kitchen table, and well, the chocolate certainly took second place. No, hold that thought, second and third to what they did.

“Do you like being in the kitchen?”

“I am a huge fan of takeout, but I know my way around the kitchen.” His doorbell rang. “If you’ll excuse me.” He added a quick splash of vanilla and poured it into a mug. “Here you go.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Romance