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She nods once. “That’s better. And I don’t like the idea of you washing someone else’s back. But, we’re both old enough to know that we’ve been with other people. That doesn’t mean I’m sleeping with anyone else now. And for as long as you’re having sex with me, I’d ask for the same consideration.”

I love the fire in her blue eyes. She’s staking a claim, here and now. And as much as I’ve told myself over and over again that this can’t go anywhere, that even though I’m completely wrapped up in her, she can never really be mine, I can’t help but feel my gut clench, and my heart pound in response to her possessiveness.

“Baby, I can’t see anyone but you.” I cup her cheek and bend down to kiss her softly. “Now, let’s get in this shower before we waste all the hot water.”

* * *

“Do these still hurt?” I brush my fingertips over her damp skin where the bruises over her ribs have turned from black to green. I reach for some arnica and rub it gently over the wounded area.

“No, they’re just ugly now,” she says and then sighs at my touch. “You’re good with your hands. And now I can vouch for the back-washing praise. You’re hired.”

I grin as I turn to wash my hands, and Ivie pulls her clothes on.



“I’m bored.” She leans on the vanity and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m getting cabin fever.”

I walk into the closet to put on clean clothes, and Ivie follows me.

“Let’s go somewhere.”


“Shane.” It’s not a whine, but it’s damn close. “We’ve been in this house for almost a week. And while I love your ranch, I need to see something else.”

“And you will. As soon as—”

“As soon as we figure this out,” she finishes for me. “Let’s just go for a drive. Just a short one where I can see different trees. Your windows are tinted, and no one’s up here anyway. We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

I should stick to my guns and say no, but she’s been restless all morning, and I know she’s not a loner like I am.

“We could drive into town and get lunch at the best deli I’ve ever been to,” I offer. “But you have to stay in the car when I pick it up.”

“Deal.” She hops and claps her hands in excitement. “Perfect.”

“I’ll call ahead and order,” I mutter. “But don’t get used to this.”

“Of course.” She crosses her heart and holds her fingers up like she’s a Boy Scout. “Scouts’ honor.”

“You were never a Boy Scout.”

She giggles. “Well, no. But I promise. Thank you. I’m going to grab my shoes.”

She runs out, and I send a text to Curt, filling him in. Then I call the deli to place an order. Ten minutes later, we’re in my SUV and headed into town, which is only about twenty minutes away.

“The trees are turning,” she murmurs. “I bet it’s gorgeous up here in the fall.”

“Another week, and it’ll be breathtaking.”

She bites her lip, and I reach out to take her hand. “We might still be here.”

She nods.

“You’re always welcome here, Ivie, whether assholes are chasing you or not.”

That makes her smile, and she glances my way. “Is there a private spot where you can pull over?”

“Do you have to pee or something?”

She just smiles again, so I pull over to the side of the road. “This is private. It’s still my property.”

“Geez, Shane, how much land did you buy?”

“A thousand acres.”

She blinks over at me in surprise. Once I’ve put the vehicle in park, she unbuckles her belt and leans over the center console.

Her hands dive for my jeans.

“Here?” My voice is high and breaks as if I’m a fifteen-year-old kid.

“Here.” But she doesn’t climb on top of me, she takes my cock in her hand, jacks me twice, and then sinks that sweet mouth of hers over the head. I’m immediately lost to her.

“Fucking hell, Ivie.”

The woman is a master with her mouth and with her hands.

I push the seat back so she has more room, and so I can lean back a bit and enjoy the ride. She never fails to surprise me. And just now, as she cups my balls and sucks gently, I see stars.

“Jesus.” It’s a prayer and a curse, and before I can stop myself, I’m coming. I watch as Ivie laps up every drop, then sits back, buckles her belt, and wipes her mouth.

“Well, that was fun.”

I bark out a laugh as I tuck myself away. “What did I do to deserve that?”

“You’re taking me for a drive,” she says simply. “And I appreciate it.”

“You’re easy to please, sweetheart.”

“Not really.” She shrugs as I put the vehicle in gear and start once more toward town. “But you’re irresistible.”

My eyes narrow into slits as we get closer to town. I survey the streets, looking for anything out of place, but it looks the same as it always does. Like it’s something out of the Old West.

Tags: Kristen Proby With Me in Seattle Mafia Romance