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I leaned my head back again, staring up at the ceiling of the back porch.

“You wanted him to have lunch with you and Ben.

“Yes,” I whispered. “More than I realized.”

“So what happened?”

“He said he’d already offered to help Greer clean up the bookstore since she was alone.”

“Okay, so he came to the bookstore with you, then stayed with Greer. I can see how that’s a bad move on his part, kind of.”

I let my head fall forward. “No, it wasn’t. He was being nice, offering to help a friend, and he even offered to still come to lunch with us. I told him no, it was okay that he stayed. Even Greer told him it was okay if he wanted to leave with us.”

“Do you think that’s all they were? Friends?”

I met her gaze. “Yes. But…”

She nodded, already knowing where my mind was going.

“If this is how I’m going to act, Bree, like a jealous bitch who can’t trust anyone anymore, how can I ever have a healthy relationship?”

Bree stood and walked over and sat in the chair with me. I dropped my head onto her shoulder and was horrified to feel tears threatening to spill out.

“Aiden was the first guy you ever allowed yourself to have feelings for. Not just feelings, but you fell in love with him, Willa. It’s normal for you to be attracted to him still.”

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and let out a soft groan. “I’m not just attracted to him, Bree,” I whispered. “I still love him, and it’s making me act like a crazy person.”

She stroked her hand over my hair. “I know, Willa. I know. But you also have to remember, not all men are like Brian.”

“I know,” I sniffled.

“Don’t get snot on this shirt, it cost two-hundred dollars.”

Laughing, I wiped away a single tear that had slipped free. “I hate Brian for making me feel this way, Bree. I hate him. Sometimes I wish Ben wasn’t his son. I wish I didn’t have a tie to him at all. God, sometimes I wish I never married him.”

“It’s okay to feel that way.”

I drew in a shaky breath and slowly exhaled. “What do I do about Aiden?”

Her hand stopped moving, and she drew back, causing me to look at her. “You have two choices. You ignore the feelings you have for him and just be friends, or you let yourself explore those feelings. It’s clear you both want each other—anyone with eyes could see that.”

I dug my teeth into my bottom lip. There was nothing easy about this at all. Aiden had been a dream from my past. A future I had once longed for. A love I still held out for. But now I had Ben to think of. I knew deep in my heart that Aiden would never hurt me or Ben, but there was something in his eyes that screamed he was lost to something. Or maybe he was simply confused like I was.

“I don’t know what to do,” I said as I closed my eyes.

Bree placed her hand on my head again and brought it to her shoulder. “Here’s a crazy idea. Why don’t you follow your heart?”

I let out a humorless laugh. “I already know where she’ll lead me.”

We spoke the same word simultaneously.


The next day, I stood next to Vic—who had worked in the orchard for as long as I could remember—and cut one of the Pink Lady apples and took a bite.

He watched as I smiled.

“The brix is good, starch level is good, and the seeds have darkened. I think we can start harvesting tomorrow,” I said as Vic nodded in agreement.

I glanced up at the trees and drew in a deep breath as the wind blew and the smell of fall surrounded me like a warm blanket. “This is my favorite time of year.”

Vic laughed. “I remember you, your sister, and brother always loved rolling up the reflective cloth when it was time to harvest.”

I smiled at the memory. “Harvest was always a fun time of the year. Still is.”

Vic let out a soft chuckle. “Well, looks like you have a visitor. I’m going to go check the west orchard unless you need me for anything else.”

I turned around, and my heart stilled as I saw Aiden walking toward me.

“No, it’s fine, Vic, thank you,” I replied, my eyes still locked on Aiden.

Aiden smiled, and my stomach dipped at the sight of his dimples. I couldn’t help but notice that yesterday when he smiled at Greer it wasn’t as wide.

I returned the gesture. “To what do I owe this honor?”

Aiden stopped just before me and let his eyes move freely over my body, which set it on fire. No surprises there. He always had this effect on me. “I wanted to apologize for yesterday afternoon.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Boggy Creek Valley Romance