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“Morning, Sweet Willa. Breakfast?” Tess asked as she filled up all three coffee mugs.

“No, but I will take a hot tea.”

I jerked my head up and our gaze met. I couldn’t help but smile. I had only been kidding last night when I had mentioned the hot tea. Willa returned the gesture but added a wink that set my pulse on fire.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Hunter asked as he gave her a quick look.

Willa shook her head. “I’m just not hungry.”

“You okay?” Kyle asked.

My gaze bounced around to all three of them. “Why wouldn’t she be okay?” I asked, wondering if this had anything to do with the fact that I had left with her last night.

“She left last night because she wasn’t feeling good,” Kyle said.

“How is that headache this morning?” Hunter added.

“I wasn’t feeling so great, but the headache is gone. Thanks for asking.”

“Should have hooked up with someone last night.” Kyle smirked. “That would have made your headache go away.”

“Really, Kyle?” Hunter growled.

Willa’s gaze shot over to me, and then she quickly looked away. I lifted my brows but then went back to work on my pancakes—though not before I took a quick look at Hunter and Kyle to see if they’d noticed her reaction to what Kyle had said.

Kyle went on. “It’s been proven that having an orgasm gets rid of headaches.”

Hunter let out a low growl and I chuckled. Willa ignored all of us as Tess placed her tea on the table.

“Thanks, Tess.”

As she blew on the tea, Willa looked at Kyle. “That’s why I have a vibrator, Kyle.”

I nearly choked on the pancake now lodged in my throat. Hunter leaned back and cursed, rubbing his hands down his face as if attempting to rid his brain of the image Willa had just created.

“Fucking hell, Willa. I can’t eat now.” Hunter pushed away his nearly empty plate.

“I’ll finish it.” Kyle picked it up before Hunter could protest and pushed all the food onto his own plate, setting the empty one back down in front of Hunter.

Rolling his eyes, Hunter looked at Willa. “Seriously, though, Willa. You separated from Brian a year ago. Maybe it’s time you started to date.”

It felt like someone had deposited a brick in my stomach, and I set my fork down, my own appetite suddenly gone.

“My life is complicated enough right now as it is,” Willa responded as she stole a glance in my direction. Was that directed toward me somehow?

“How’s your dad doing?” I asked.

Willa looked thankful for the change in subject. “He’s doing good. He’s slowed down a lot, which is a good thing. Mom is planning a trip to Italy for their anniversary.”

Hunter smiled. “Dad keeps saying he can’t go on a three-week vacation though.”

Chuckling, Willa shook her head. “I’ve been trying to convince him the orchard will be perfectly fine. But it’s picking season, and you know how he gets.”

I nodded. “I remember. It’s probably the best time for him to go.”

Everyone else at the table nodded.

Hunter tossed his napkin on the table. “Well, life is too short, and Dad cheated death once. He needs to slow down and let you take the reins. It’s what you went to school for.”

Willa let out a humorless laugh. “Then maybe you should tell him that, Hunter.”

“I will,” he said. “I’m heading over to see Mom and Dad now.” He turned his gaze to me. “You doing anything? I’m sure my folks would love to see you.”

“No, I’m free for the day. My mom and grandfather are still in Boston until tomorrow morning. I told her not to cut the trip short.”

Tess walked up and started to take our plates away. “Breakfast is on the house today in celebration of Aiden coming back home to Boggy Creek safely.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet of you, Tess!” Willa said as the rest of us all thanked her.

“I appreciate that, Tess,” I said. “Thank you.”

She gave me a wink and said, “You bet. Hope to see you around often, Aiden.”

“I’m sure I will be,” I replied and then turned and gave Kyle a smirk. He rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath.

Willa glanced between the two of us with a questioning look.

“Don’t ask…and don’t ever sit at table number four,” Hunter said.


I tossed some money on the table for a tip and slid out of the booth. “Lacy brought Ben to Mom and Dad’s this morning, so I guess I’ll see you guys over there.”

Hunter, Kyle, and Aiden all tossed money onto the table as well and then piled out of the booth. The three of them were so big and built they looked a bit ridiculous attempting to get out.

I started out of the diner and called over my shoulder to Tess once more. “Thanks, Tess!”

“Have a good one, kids!” Tess called as the four of us stepped out onto the sidewalk.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Boggy Creek Valley Romance