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I shook my head and let out a gruff laugh. “Right, Willa. Right. The man was a Navy SEAL, for crying out loud. I doubt he needs you for anything.”

The cold ground reminded me that it was freezing outside, and here I was standing in my bare feet. I took off down the steps and jumped into my car, started it, and quickly set off for my house as I desperately tried to ignore the uneasy feeling I felt in my chest at leaving Aiden alone.


“We just lost secondary extract!” Millen shouted.

The truck bounced down the road as I put pressure on the gunshot wound. The woman in my arms was the daughter of the Ambassador of Brazil, whom we had just rescued after she had been kidnapped. “All copy, over. We lost secondary extract,” I said as I looked down at her and then back up at Parker.

“If we don’t get out of here in the next five minutes, she’s gonna be gone,” Parker shouted.

Something cold hit the side of my face, and I glanced back down. Her brown eyes met my gaze as her blood-soaked hand touched my face.

“Are you my angel?” she whispered, a soft smile spreading over her face.

I shook my head. “No, Ms. Jerkins. I’m a Navy SEAL.”

Her smile faded, and she whispered, “It’s too late.”

With a gasp, I sat up and looked around. Each breath burned as I sucked them in. My heart raced in my chest, and I pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes in an attempt to focus. Once I dropped them, I let the light in.

My mother’s living room.


Boggy Creek.


I swung my legs over the couch and cursed.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”

Standing, I stretched and then leaned over and massaged the ache in my knee before I headed into the kitchen. The memory of Willa being here last night came back, and I glanced over at the front door. I had almost asked her to stay. Almost pulled her onto the sofa with me but didn’t because I was a fucking coward. Why did the idea of giving into my desires for her scare the living piss out of me?

“Christ, Willa. You’re going to be trouble,” I mumbled as I reached for the refrigerator and opened it. One quick look and I sighed, grabbed a water, and slammed the door shut. Looks like I was heading into town to eat breakfast.

I opened the bottle of water and drank it all in one drink. Then I headed out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to shower and change.

An hour later, I walked into The Coffee Pot on Main Street. The diner had been there for as long as I could remember. Tess Goodman owned it, and her momma before her had owned it, and her mother opened the place. Or maybe it was her daddy? I couldn’t remember, but what I did remember was that they had the best damn breakfast around.

When I walked in, I spotted Hunter and Kyle sitting in a back booth, both looking how I felt. Like shit.

With a smile on my face, I made my way over to them.

“Morning,” I said as they both slowly lifted their heads. Neither of them said a word, only gave me a nod. “Let me guess, it was a late night.”

Hunter groaned as Kyle let out a long sigh.

I slid in next to Kyle and smiled when Tess herself walked up.

“My goodness, if it ain’t Aiden O’Hara. Why, honey, are you home for good or just home on leave?”

Honestly, I was surprised the news hadn’t gotten around town yet. I slid out of the booth and stood to kiss Tess on the check. “Hey, Tess. It’s good seeing you. I’m home for good.”

If at all possible, her smile grew wider. “Well, darlin’, I’m so glad to hear it. I know your momma worried so much about you. I bet she’s over the moon.”

“Yes, ma’am, she is.”

Tess gave me a soft pat on the cheek. “Well, thank you for your service, sweetheart.”

Another quick peck on the cheek, and I sat back down.

“Coffee?” Tess asked me.

“Yes, and do you still have the pancake special breakfast?” I asked with a wink.

Tess chuckled. “Blueberry pancakes?”

“Christ, Tess, how do you remember the type of pancakes he likes? You can’t even remember what I like, and I come in here damn near every day!” Kyle said as Hunter laughed.

Tess shot Kyle a dirty look.

Kyle gave her an innocent smile. “Are you still cross with me?”

“Oh hell,” Hunter said, taking a sip of his coffee.

“You’re lucky I don’t poison your food!” Tess said before turning on her heel and stomping off.

I looked between Hunter and Kyle. “What in the hell was that all about?”

Kyle sighed. “I dated her daughter.”

“And?” I prompted.

“Let’s just say things didn’t turn out so well, and Tess has been punishing me for the last five years.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Boggy Creek Valley Romance