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“Yeah, I know.”

“The asshole. The guy is an SOB.”

I had to force myself not to laugh. “Yeah, he sounded like one.”

“Well, everyone in town knows they only married because she found herself in the family way, and that her heart truly belongs to one person.”

Before she could launch into that rabbit hole, I cut her off. As much as I wanted to see Willa, I was terrified even more. “I’ve got to go if I want to try and get some sleep. I’m exhausted, Mom.”

“Right, right. Talk soon, son.”

“Love you, Mom.”

She let out a small breath and replied, “I love you, too, Aiden.”

White lights flashed by as I stared out the passenger window. I rubbed my hand on my knee in an attempt to work out the soreness. I’d lain in bed for two hours earlier, staring up at the ceiling after having a nightmare, before I’d gotten up and gone for a run.

“Hey, are you okay?” Hunter asked as he pulled up and parked outside of Brew’s Place.

I turned and focused on him. “What?”

“Are you okay? You’ve been silent since I picked you up. Did something happen?”

Only the same damn nightmares that keep me from getting a decent sleep, that’s all.

“Nah, I’m good. Still tired from the trip. I tried to get some sleep but didn’t get much. Went for a run, and I’m paying the price now with my knee.”

He frowned. “Thanks for coming out tonight. I’m sure you’re still pretty tired from traveling and settling back in and all. When I told Bree you were in town, she nearly screamed. She said something about surprising Willa tonight.”

“Willa doesn’t know I’m coming?”

Hunter grinned. “No, and she’s going to freak when she sees you.” He looked at me with a skeptical expression. “You up for going out? You do look tired, Aiden.”

I forced myself to smile. “Are you kidding? I’m ready to try this damn hipster beer you keep talking about, and I can’t wait to see Willa.”

Something moved over Hunter’s face, but it was gone before I could truly read it. “Yeah, she’s going to be happy to see you. Now, for the beer. I’m telling you, Drew knows microbrew beer like no one else.”

I rolled my eyes. “Microbrew beer. The name sounds too fancy if you ask me. And why the hell hasn’t he fixed the damn name of the bar? Wasn’t it supposed to be Drew’s Place?”

Hunter glanced up at the sign and laughed. “Yeah, it was, but I kind of like Brew’s Place. And it’s fitting since Drew brews his own beer.”

I smiled. “I do too. So, who all is coming tonight besides Willa and…Brighton, was it?”

Hunter looked out over the parking lot as if searching for someone. “Yeah, it’s Brighton—Willa calls her Bree. Kyle, Adam, and Bishop will also be here. They’re excited to see you.” He turned to look at me, his face serious. “By the way, keep an eye on Bishop. He’s always had the hots for Willa. If he even attempts to put the moves on her tonight, I’ll break his legs.”

I felt my chest squeeze some, and I rubbed on it to ease the tension. “Don’t worry, I’d probably beat you to it,” I said under my breath as I pushed open the truck door and got out.

Hunter came around the truck and stopped in front of me. “Just so you know, Aiden, I know something went down between you and Willa when you came home from leave her senior year.”

I froze, my feet stuck in one spot. Ah hell, I’d rather have ten guns shooting at me than deal with this right now. “What do you mean?” I asked cautiously.

He tilted his head, and, for a brief moment, he actually seemed like he wanted to punch me. “I saw the difference in both of you after you went to the barn that night. I also know Willa saw you in the barn; Lacy told me she went there right before she left to go to that party. The way you looked at her after that, and the way she seemed to catch her breath every time you showed up… I don’t want to know what happened between you both, but I know there’s history there. And I know if given the chance, my sister would have rather married you instead of dickhead.”

I cleared my throat. “Listen, Hunter, I didn’t sleep with her, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

He smiled. “I know you didn’t. You wouldn’t have done that to her. Give her hope at a future with you when you knew you’d be gone all the time. She wouldn’t have wanted to leave the family.”

I nodded. “No, she wouldn’t have.”

“I know what it means to give up someone you love. Trust me, I get it.”

I lifted my brows as I stared at him.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Boggy Creek Valley Romance