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Need coiled around every muscle, and when the next show discussed the sexuality in Athens, I was sure I’d explode. Each mention of dominance and the open freedom of the culture pushed me closer and closer to the edge. His questions stopped, and he became stoically quiet, making me want to poke and prod to see if I could get a reaction out of him—hopefully, one that led to his mouth on mine.

When the show talked about how uncommon it was to kiss your partner in Athens, I found my opening. “I could never imagine not kissing.”

He cleared his throat before responding. “Why’s that?”

I smirked at his graveled tone, imagining him struggling like me. Because this couldn’t be one-sided. I refused to believe I was the only one standing on this precipice.

“It’s just too good. The connection. The passion.”

I looked up, disappointed when I didn’t find him staring back like he had all the other times I’d asked him anything. But I didn’t fall back. Instead, I traced the sharp line of his brow and cheek, visible even under his scruff. I mapped every visible inch before he finally—slowly—turned to face me.

His eyes dropped to my lips, and I slid my tongue across, flicking my gaze to his mouth before looking back to meet his deep blue eyes.

In my imagination, he stood on the cliff with me, staring out over the abyss. I wanted to jump, but I wanted him to jump with me.

“What’s your favorite kind of kiss? A peck?” I offered, throwing out more suggestions. “Long and lingering? Sweet?”

“Aggressive,” he growled like a promise. “Tasting. Controlling.”

Oh, God. I almost moaned—almost climbed onto his lap and demanded he show me. Somehow, I managed to hold back—at least a little. I approached with caution, holding my breath and flexing my muscles to shift a fraction of an inch closer.

I stood on the cliff, him by my side, and I held out my hand for him to take what he wanted.

He leaned down, preparing to take my hand and jump with me.

Only one more inch—one more breath.

Until the loud ring of the doorbell brought reality crashing all around us. As if a bucket of cold water slapped him back to reality, he froze and literally jumped at the chance to put distance between us.

Dammit. I wanted to scream. I wanted to fling myself back against the couch, stomp my feet, and punch my fists against the sofa in frustration.

So close, only to be stopped by some solicitor, probably.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to pull myself together for when he came back. We had all night, and I’d use every second to get us to where we were.

At least until Willem greeted our visitor and a whole fucking tidal wave of cold water dumped over me.

“Harry. Hey. What are you doing here?” Willem asked.

Freaking Harry.

AKA—my dad.



I looked into the familiar brown eyes I’d known for years. Harry smiled, bringing a light to his gaze that reminded me of the light that had sparked in Arabella’s moments ago.

I gripped the door handle, hating myself because while this man I looked up to and owed so much to greeted me like family, all I could think about was how seconds ago I’d almost taught his daughter how a man like me kissed and what that kissing led to afterward.

Fuck. Fuck. Fucking fuck.

“Sorry,” I sputtered, shaking the thoughts from my head and stepping back. “Where are my manners? Come in.”

Harry waved my apology away and walked inside from the rain. “No need to apologize. I’m sure your brother from across the country showing up randomly would throw anyone.”

I took his dripping coat and turned just in time to find Arabella standing there with a towel stretched out for her father. I said a silent prayer of thanks when I noticed she put on a T-shirt that covered her a lot more than the tank top from earlier.

Not that we had anything to hide.

Because nothing had happened.

Or would have happened.

Yeah, right. Like you weren’t less than a second away from finally feasting from her mouth.

“Hey, Dad. Long time no see. You could have just called rather than flown here to check on me.”

“Well, here’s the thing about phones, Arabella,” he said, taking the towel. “In order for them to work, someone needs to pick up.”

Arabella’s jaw dropped, giving a look of false wonder. “Ohhhh. See, I never knew that. They must have forgot to teach me that in school. Thankfully, I’m going to college for that kind of knowledge.”

Harry huffed a laugh and shook his head. “Still so snarky,” he muttered, pulling her in for an awkward side hug. “Thank goodness I love you.”

She gave him a pat on the back in return but pulled back quickly.

“Anyway, I was on my way to a conference in New York when we hit this storm, and we had to land. As luck would have it, we landed here, but we’re delayed until tomorrow morning.”

Tags: Fiona Cole Erotic