Page 5 of Love Me Forever

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“I guess we can, I mean I still have to work on a few more arrangements before I can leave the shop,” she tells me as she straightens her hair to one side of her shoulder.

“That’s fine, Gorgeous. I still have some work to finish here. I’ll come and pick you up when I’m finished.” It’s getting harder and harder to keep my hands from diving back into her hair, as much as it pains me, I step back, continuing to do so until my ass is firmly planted on my desk.

“Yea, that will work. I’m not really dressed for dinner though,” she replies.

“We can just grab something and take it back to my place. I don’t really feel like being around a ton of people tonight anyways.”

“Okay. Well then, I guess I’ll see you sometime later then,” she’s slowly making her way to the door and I can’t let her leave. Not yet, maybe not ever. I growl, I’ve never once in my life growled before, not in a business meeting or even when I was dealing with contracts in Egypt and that was a fucking nightmare. I move my ass with a swiftness that astounds me. Amelia can sense me coming, she slowly turns around. I see the conflict in her face, needing to leave, yet not wanting to go.

I clutch her neck and bring my lips to hers, I know if my tongue gets inside her again, we both won’t leave. I make it fast, already knowing my lips will be on hers the moment we get to my place. We break apart, my forehead leaning against hers when I whisper out, “I’ll see you soon, Gorgeous.”

I take her hand in mine and walk her out of my office. I started to walk her to the elevator, but she panicked. Apparently, she doesn’t like them, so instead, I walked her down the stairs and out the door. I watch her walk to her shop until I can no longer see her figure. I’m already counting down the hours until she’s back in my arms.

Chapter Six


I walk away, my fingertips caressing my lips where Damien’s just were. I can feel the puffiness, and I now have a pep in my step. I’m back to being excited to get back to the shop. I shake my head as I think about how I accused Damien of being a man-whore, well I didn’t actually say those exact words. I almost feel bad when all along he was doing the sweetest thing a son could ever do for his mother. I hope one day, if I have a son he’s half as sweet as Damien is to her.

The hours are flying by and I’m sorting through the orders I’ll have to work on tomorrow when Damien walks in the front door. I look up in time to see him grinning at me and I can’t help but smile back. It’s not a small one either, it’s one that lights up my whole face.

I come around the corner and make my way towards him, his head is tilted to the side almost as if he’s trying to figure out what I’ll do next. I’m up on my toes, my hands on the sides of his collar and my lips are going towards his. He helps me out. Our tongues meet and fight for dominance, I know he’ll be the one to take over. I can feel it in my bones. He’s the type of man to be in charge, to make sure your taken care of before himself, and it truly shows in everything I’ve seen in him so far. We slowly break apart; my cheeks are flushed. I don’t have to see it in a mirror to know how red I am.

“Gorgeous, you ready?” he murmurs.

“Yes, let me just lock up and we can get out of here.”

I’m still in my pencil skirt, matching top and flats. I wish I was more dressed up for Damien, but there’s nothing I can do about that right now. I go into the back and shutting the lights off and then make my way back to the front. We step outside and as soon as I go to put the keys in the lock, he takes them and locks up my place himself. I don’t think anything of it, liking that he’s taking care of me and making sure my place is secure. When he escorts me to his vehicle, I’m shocked. I figured he’d drive a sports car of some kind, but he doesn’t. He drives a Jeep Wrangler hard top. When he opens the door for me, I’m stunned. There aren’t very many gentlemen in this day and age. Believe me, owning a flower shop you see more than your fair share of good and bad men. Everything I see points to Damien being good, maybe one of the best.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance