Page 24 of Ember In The Heart

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“We made the deal, didn’t we,” he grumbled like a petulant teenager.

Colt scowled at him as he sat down on his desk. “This has to stop.”


“Don’t. Don’t be an even bigger prick than you’re already being.”

Indignation flushed through him. “I don’t need this shit right now, Colt.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I forgot this was all about you.” His friend looked at him with such disappointment in his eyes Foster flinched. “Do you even give a shit how you made her feel or do you only care about how you feel?”

Remorse cut through him. “Of course I give a shit.”

“Really? Because you’re walking around here like you’re the one that got fucked over when the truth of the matter is that you made a very special woman think that her feelings aren’t more important than your parents fucking snobbery.”

A sharp ache cut through his chest. “Colt—”

“Nah, listen.” His friend pushed off the desk. “It’s clear to me that you have real feelings for Ember. In fact, it’s clear to me that you think you’re in love with her.”

“Think?” he snarled. How dare he—

“Yeah think. You see because I love Jade. I love Jade so much that the thought of hurting her, of putting my feelings before hers, makes me feel sick to my stomach. You don’t love Ember. If you loved Ember you would tell your father where to stick his opinion and his money.”

Heart racing, Foster shook his head. “Family is important. Can’t you understand why I don’t want to disappoint my father?”

“No, actually, I can’t. Here’s your choice: on the one hand, Edward Darwin, who still makes fucking excuses for Georgie’s selfish mom just because of her family’s blue blood. A guy who bases his opinion of a person’s worth off a family fucking name. That’s who you want influencing Georgie’s life? Or, on the other hand, Ember. Funny, gorgeous, kind. Is great with Georgie. And for some stupid reason loves you.”

Hope cut through the knife-like pain in his chest. “She said that?”

Colt’s expression was harsh as he gave a tight nod. “She was in love with you. But I guess she realized the age gap was a problem after all. She said you had a lot of growing up to do and she didn’t have time to wait around.”

He flinched, lowering his gaze. “I fucked up.”

“She’s putting the house up for sale.”

Panic shot through Foster. “What?”

His friend nodded, grim-faced. “That’s how much you hurt her. So tell me … can you live with that? Because if your answer is yes, you’re not in love with her, man.”

Foster’s gut wrenched. “I love her. And I’m an asshole.” He pushed out of his chair, his agitation visible. “You’re right. You’re so fucking right, part of me wants to punch you.

“I’m a father now. I can’t keep making choices based on what’s best for my father. It has to be for what’s best for the people I love.” Frantic with dread at the thought of losing Ember forever, he shook his head. “What if I can’t win her back?”

Colt considered this, his demeanor toward him visibly softening. “Well … here’s some advice: with the Bonet sisters, actions speak louder than words. But actions accompanied by the right words, is your best shot at getting her back.”



On the plus side, the rehearsal dinner was a smallish affair. Compared to the two hundred strong guest list for the wedding, there were only seventy-five people at the rehearsal dinner.

I couldn’t bear to think what this wedding cost Jade and Colt.

But I would … because it kept my mind off someone else.

Three weeks had passed since I’d caught Foster at lunch with his other woman.

His calls and texts had stopped around ten days later.

However, for some weird reason he’d started calling me again this past week. I had a bunch of texts from him pleading to meet with me because “we needed to talk” but I was half-convinced he was just horny. Moreover, I didn’t want my resolve to melt.

A guy who let me think I wasn’t good enough was not the right man for me.

End of story.

I missed G terribly. And my guilt was overwhelming. The truth is, I wanted to see her but my sisters kept holding me back, telling me I’d only make it worse for the little girl in the long run.

I missed her giggles and her smile.

And I really hated the idea that I made her feel as abandoned as her mom did.

Tears choked in my throat and burned in my eyes, and I dropped my gaze to the table to hide my emotions.

As Maid of Honor I was seated at the top at a U-shaped banquet table.

Only a few seats down from me, at Colt’s side, was Foster.

My skin hummed with awareness of him.

He hadn’t brought a date.

I, mean, neither had I … but I’d worked myself up a lot about this rehearsal dinner because I was so sure Heather would accompany him.

Tags: Samantha Young Romance